M.G.E antonyms
Teacher: Mrs. Spurgeon Weekly Standards: Grade/Subject: 4 th ELA Lessons for this week: Reading: Skill-Story Structure, Strategy-Summarize, Vocabulary Grammar: Skill- complete sentences, simple and compound subjects and predicates, correct capitalization. Writing: Skill- narrative writing with focus on word choice Teacher Directed Lessons MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Bell Ringers State Test related items: What is Story Structure? State Test related items: What are the important parts of story structure? State Test related items: Summarize one important character in the text. State Test related items: Give specific text evidence to prove your summary correct. Assessment Check all that apply: o Quiz X Portfolio X Observation X Project X Formative o Summative Check re-teach method: o Whole Group X Small Group o RTI Reading Whole Group Target Skill: Story Structure/ Summarize Text: Because of Winn-Dixie Whole Group Target Skill: : Story Structure/ Summarize Text: Because of Winn-Dixie Whole Group Target Skill: : Story Structure/ Summarize Text: Because of Winn-Dixie Whole Group Target Skill: : Story Structure/ Summarize Text: Independent/ Small Groups: Daily 5: Read to self- read text independently. Students must complete summary. Read with partner: chose between approved weekly text and read with a partner. Both students must complete a story structure map. Word Work – quiz each-other using vocabulary cards. Students must complete one activity from the back of every card. Listen to Reading- listen to a reading on the computer. Complete summary of the chosen story. Work on Writing- complete weekly writing assignment. Independent/ Small Groups: Daily 5: Read to self- read text independently. Students must complete summary. Read with partner: chose between approved weekly text and read with a partner. Both students must complete a story structure map. Word Work – quiz each-other using vocabulary cards. Students must complete one activity from the back of every card. Listen to Reading- listen to a reading on the computer. Complete summary of the chosen story. Work on Writing- complete weekly writing assignment. Independent/ Small Groups: Daily 5: Read to self- read text independently. Students must complete summary. Read with partner: chose between approved weekly text and read with a partner. Both students must complete a story structure map. Word Work – quiz each-other using vocabulary cards. Students must complete one activity from the back of every card. Listen to Reading- listen to a reading on the computer. Complete summary of the chosen story. Work on Writing- complete weekly writing assignment. Independent/ Small Groups: Daily 5: Read to self- read text independently. Students must complete summary. Read with partner: chose between approved weekly text and read with a partner. Both students must complete a story structure map. Word Work – quiz each-other using vocabulary cards. Students must complete one activity from the back of every card. Listen to Reading- listen to a reading on the computer. Complete summary of the chosen story. Work on Writing- complete weekly writing assignment. Reading Homework Reading Log / Make flashcards with Vocabulary words Reading Log/ Use words correctly in sentences Reading Log / Study***Reading Log / Write a story using 5 or more vocabulary words. Writing Understand paragraph 1 of the color scheme. Understand the importance of word choice and vivid details. Write a descriptive narrative about a specific place you have visited or would like to visit. Understand paragraph 1 of the color scheme. Understand the importance of word choice and vivid details. Write a descriptive narrative about a specific place you have visited or would like to visit. Understand paragraph 1 of the color scheme. Understand the importance of word choice and vivid details. Write a descriptive narrative about a specific place you have visited or would like to visit. Understand paragraph 1 of the color scheme. Understand the importance of word choice and vivid details. Write a descriptive narrative about a specific place you have visited or would like to visit. Grammar Teach simple subjects and predicates. Teach complete subjects and predicates. Teach compound subjects and predicates. Cumulative review of subjects and predicates. Grammar Homework Workbook pg. 7Workbook pg. 8Workbook pg. 11 *** Reminders: ***** Turn in assignments. -Quiz on paragraph 1 of the color scheme Friday. -Leveled readers for small group - Students must complete at least 10 jobs during the week Accommodations: according to student’s needs CCSS RL.4.3, RL.4.2, L.4.6, L.4.1, L.4.2, W.4.3d -I Can describe a character, setting or event, drawing on details. -I can determine theme from details/summarize -I can acquire and use general academic and domain-specific words and phrases -I can produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting fragments and run- ons -I can use correct capitalization. -I can use concrete words and phrases and sensory details. MGE
Teacher: Mrs. Spurgeon Weekly Standards: Grade/Subject: 4 th ELA Lessons for this week: Reading: Skill-Story Structure, Strategy-Summarize, Vocabulary Grammar: Skill- complete sentences, simple and compound subjects and predicates, correct capitalization. Writing: Skill- narrative writing with focus on word choice CCSS RL.4.3, RL.4.2, L.4.6, L.4.1, L.4.2, W.4.3d -I Can describe a character, setting or event, drawing on details. -I can determine theme from details/summarize -I can acquire and use general academic and domain-specific words and phrases -I can produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting fragments and run-ons -I can use correct capitalization. -I can use concrete words and phrases and sensory details Student Learning Menu MGE Students must complete 10 jobs within the week. Students must read weekly text at least 2 times during the week. Read to self- 1. Read text independently. Students must complete summary. 2. Read leveled reader independently. Complete summary. 3. Read text independently. Write 5 examples of simple subjects and predicates and 5 examples of complete subjects and predicates. 4. Choose assignment from Reading Cube and complete. Read with partner: 1. Read weekly text and complete a story structure map. 2. Read leveled reader and complete a story map. 3. Read and question each other using reading chips. 4. Read text with partner. Write 8 examples of simple subjects and predicates and 8 examples of complete subjects and predicates. Word Work: 1. Review with partner. Complete one activity from the back of every card. 2. Write a synonym for every word. 3. Write an antonym for every word. 4. Scramble words for partner to unscramble. Unscramble the words of someone. 5. Add weekly words to our class word wall. Explain in your own words the meaning of each in your notebook. Listen to Reading: 1. Listen to a story on the computer. Complete summary of the chosen story. 2. Listen to a different story on the computer. Complete a story map on the story. Work on Writing: 1. Complete brainstorming and rough draft of weekly writing assignment. 2. Complete final draft of weekly writing assignment. 3. Complete assignment on MyWriteSmart. 4. Add 5 different words to the word wall. Write the words and their meaning in your notebook.