Classroom Rules Mr. Cowell Room 203
Rule 1 Follow directions the first time they are given. I don’t want to repeat myself over and over. Having to repeat myself to the class will result in a strike. (We’ll talk about this later).
Rule 2 Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Everyone in this classroom is important. Therefore they should not be interrupted. This rule applies to everyone, not just the teacher. We will have class discussion on many different topics, some of which you may actually be excited about, but please don’t interrupt someone who is already speaking.
Rule 3 No cursing, teasing, bullying, or putting fellow classmates down. This is a zero tolerance policy. Everyone has the right to feel safe in this classroom. Everyone has the right to contribute without fear of judgment in this classroom. We are a team.
Rule 4 Do not leave your seat without permission. This rule especially applies during direct instruction or lecture. As discussed in procedures you must ask to go to the bathroom, sharpen/sing-out pencils, get paper, throw paper out…when in doubt ask. Movement during group work is acceptable if kept to a minimum.
Consequences The class will use the punch card system. First offense: Verbal warning. Second offense: Place card on the dry erase board. Third Offense: Card is punched. Fourth Offense: Student sent to “chill out” with the chill out form, class work, and a reflection sheet. Fifth Offense: Continued misbehavior and excessive punches will result in ASD and ISS.
Classroom-Wide Policy The entire class will operate on a 3 strike policy. Strikes may result from… Excessive volume Improper use of class time Lack of in-class participation Class-wide disregard of procedures, rules, and expectations.
Consequences of 3 Strikes If the class uses all three strikes one or more of the following will result… Silent remainder of the class period (Anyone who talks will receive a punch) Additional homework. Impromptu essay Pop quiz
Conclusion For education to be successful we need expectations rules and procedures. By law each of you has a right to an education and any student inhibiting that right can also by law be removed/disciplined. We are here for the next 10 months together, lets make it a positive experience.