Wind Movement Using what you know about CONVECTION how do you think wind is formed?
Wind Movement A wind is the horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. Wind is caused by differences in air temperature and pressure. As hot and cold air move from one place to another it attempts to equalize pressure. Sometimes other factors can cause wind to blow differently than this expected pattern.
Local Winds Local winds are breezes that blow over SHORT distances. Local winds are caused by unequal heating of Earth's Surface within a small area. This usually happens near a large body of water.
Sea Breeze- Blows from the sea During the daytime, the sun heats the land and the water. The land heats up faster, so the air above the land gets warmer and rises. The cooler air from the sea rushes in to take its place
Land Breeze- Blows from the land In the evening, the sun sets. The land and the water cool off, but the land cools faster than the water. The water is then warmer than the land. The warmer air over the sea rises and the cooler air above the land rushes in to take its place.
What is happening in this picture? Answer the question using these words. WORD BANK Convection current Low pressure High pressure Sun Heat/Cold Clouds/water cycle Wind
Land and Sea Breeze Project Label one side of your paper Night – Land Breeze and one Day – Sea Breeze For both pictures, draw the land and water. Using your notes, decide where it is warm and cold (over the land and sea) Draw the arrows showing the movement of the air (wind) Label the low pressure and the high pressure Use Blue to show cold and red to show warm Describe what’s happening in each picture using the following key words. Land Sea Cool air Warm air Less dense More dense Rushes Low pressure area Land less dense Convection current more dense Sea Cool air rushes Warm air low pressure area
Sea Breeze (day)- Land Breeze (night) More dense Less dense More dense Less dense