Wind Land heats faster than water. Water can absorb and store a lot of heat. Low pressure is warm air and less dense. High pressure is cold air and more dense. The oceans regulate Earth’s temperature by means of convection.
H H L L Sea Breeze happens during the day. Cools down Land Breeze happens during nighttime. H Cools down H Cool Air or Sea Breeze to land Cool Air or Land Breeze to Sea. L L Sea Breeze Land Breeze
____a. wind blows from the sea to the land. Instructions: Use the figures above and classify the following by writing either as Land breeze or Sea Breeze. ____a. wind blows from the sea to the land. ____b. Wind blows from the land to the sea. ____c. cool air sinks on land. ____d. Warm air expands and rise on land.
___e. Happens during day time. ___f. happens during night time. ___g. Low pressure on land. Warm air rises. ___h. High pressure on land. Cold air sinks. ___i. Low pressure ( warm) on land and high pressure ( cold ) on the sea.
Instructions: Use the figures above and classify the following by writing either as Land breeze or Sea Breeze. ___________a. wind blows from the sea to the land. ___________b. Wind blows from the land to the sea. ___________c. cool air sinks on land. ___________d. Warm air expands and rise on land. ___________e. Happens during day time. ___________f. happens during night time. __________ g. Low pressure on land. Warm air rises. ___________h. High pressure on land. Cold air sinks. ___________i. Low pressure ( warm) on land and high pressure ( cold ) on the sea. Sea breeze Land breeze Land breeze Sea breeze Sea breeze Land breeze Sea breeze Land breeze Sea breeze