RAPIDE – Assessment of Action Plans Brigitte Hatvan KWI Consultants GmbH EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA3 Improved competiveness of the region More innovations in / coming from regional companies Improved commercialisation of RTD results Better cooperation within the regional innovation system Regional business environment focused on SME Need for development of regional innovation potential Lack of know-how transfer from the R&D sector to economy REGIONAL BACKGROUND + GOOD PRACTICE REGIONAL INNOVATION EFFECTS ACTION PLANS RAPIDE Action Plan Assessment Framework
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA4 Improved competiveness of the region More innovations in / coming from regional companies Improved commercialisation of RTD results Better cooperation within the regional innovation system Regional business environment focused on SME Need for development of regional innovation potential Lack of know-how transfer from the R&D sector to economy REGIONAL BACKGROUND + GOOD PRACTICE REGIONAL INNOVATION EFFECTS ACTION PLANS RAPIDE Action Plan Assessment Topics
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA5 Improved competiveness of the region More innovations in / coming from regional companies Improved commercialisation of RTD results Better cooperation within the regional innovation system Regional business environment focused on SME Need for development of regional innovation potential Lack of know-how transfer from the R&D sector to economy REGIONAL BACKGROUND + GOOD PRACTICE REGIONAL INNOVATION EFFECTS ACTION PLANS RAPIDE Action Plan Assessment AP contents INFORMATION BASE TARGET GROUPS THEMATIC FOCUS TYPE OF INSTRUMENT DESIGN OF INSTRUMENT
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA6 Improved competiveness of the region More innovations in / coming from regional companies Improved commercialisation of RTD results Better cooperation within the regional innovation system Regional business environment focused on SME Need for development of regional innovation potential Lack of know-how transfer from the R&D sector to economy REGIONAL BACKGROUND + GOOD PRACTICE REGIONAL INNOVATION EFFECTS ACTION PLANS RAPIDE Action Plan Assessment AP contents INFORMATION BASE TARGET GROUPS THEMATIC FOCUS TYPE OF INSTRUMENT INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED STAFF / CAPACITY BUILDING MANAGEMENT / MONITORING / EVAL. FUNDING SCHEME / BUDGET DESIGN OF INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT IMPLEMENTATION
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA7 RAPIDERegional Action Plan Implementation set-up selection of actions adaptation of action plans management / monitoring preparation of action plans best practise analysis / external inputs know how exchange with partner regions evaluation RAPIDE Action Plan Assessment Timeline
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA8 RAPIDERegional Action Plan Implementation set-up selection of actions adaptation of action plans management / monitoring preparation of action plans best practise analysis / external inputs know how exchange with partner regions evaluation RAPIDE Action Plan Assessment Timeline
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA9 RAPIDERegional Action Plan Implementation 9 Set-upAdaptationEvaluation THEMATIC FOCUS Management TARGET GROUPS TYPE OF INSTRUMENT RAPIDE Action Plan Assessment Instrument design AP draft INFORMATION BASE
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA Instrument design Target groups All groups involved in the AP implementation Where can you expect that changes of processes, attitudes, interaction modes will happen? SME, R&D institutions, intermediary agencies, other regional stakeholders, etc. Specify the SME target group Information base What do you know about your target groups today? Who can provide you with additional information? How will you manage the learning process during implementation? 10
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA Instrument design Type of instrument Good practices presented in the RAPIDE network Your specific regional know-how Balancing of the instrument chosen and the budget estimations Visibility of the new instrument as an „innovation in your regional innovation system“ Thematic focus A specific topic can help to optimize the instrument during the pilot implementation Lead industry sector, regional professional networks, etc. Specialization of regional R&D institutes and knowledge providers Information about specific problems in the target group 11
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA 12 RAPIDERegional Action Plan Implementation 12 Set-upAdaptationEvaluationManagement STAFF / CAPACITY BUILDING RAPIDE Action Plan Assessment Implementation plan AP draft MANAGEMENT / MONITORING / EVALUATION INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED FUNDING SCHEME/BUDGET
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA Implementation plan Institutions involved Setting up the action vs. day-to-day management Promotion in the target groups „Face to the customer“ Staff / capacity building Staff allocation: set-up / management / promotion Organizational learning - feedback loops on the operative level Continued experience exchange with partner regions 13
RAPIDE / AP Assessment / / HA Implementation plan Management / monitoring / evaluation Dealflow within the managing institution Dealflow between the institutions involved – interfaces! Start planning the basics of evaluation now Quantitative output indicators + procedural criteria Funding scheme / budget !!! 14