Diversification NAMM - January 19-22, 2012 Jeff Mozingo, Presenter
Sales Rentals beyond band and orchestra instruments. We are implementing drums and guitars into our rental pool Listen to what customers ask for and implement
Change the ‘look’ and set-up of your store Sales
Change the ‘look’ and set-up of your store Sales
We’ve included a mini-stage in our showroom where customers can try out product in a live venue. Sales
Sales - change the look of your store
Partner with outside companies to increase sales
Sales - Expand your road reps Churches Country Clubs Assisted Living Facilities Include drop-off, pick-ups and product repairs
Lessons Offer Free - Monthly In-Store Jams
Lessons We offer Bluegrass, Blues, Rock, Acoustic Guitar Jams
Lessons Have special promotions during the Jams Give incentives for attendees to bring a friend Have product demos
Lessons Offer Daytime Classes Offer Classes geared towards home-schooled students
Lessons We offer Musical Theatre productions, Drama, Audition-Prep class, and Acting/Singing/Dancing Workshop
Lessons We now have over 50 participants in our musical productions
Lessons We now have over 50 participants in our musical productions
Lessons We highlight 1 teacher and 1 student each month in our store and via e-blast
Lessons MMFAA students performed at a local town hall dinner in September 2011
Advertising and Marketing In-store television for digital flyer advertising and a schedule of upcoming events Social Media: Groupon - lessons promotion Facebook Promotions: - Mozingo Music photo contest to win gift certificate - Halloween photo contest to win gift certificate
Advertising and Marketing Community Involvement Battle of the Bands Competitions: Battle at Busch 10 in ’11
Advertising and Marketing Sponsor community events that include music: Ellisville Farmer’s Market O’Fallon Jammin’ concert series Partner with local charities: Six Strings Heroes honoring our veterans Cardinals Care
Advertising and Marketing Offer In-Store Clinics Mandolin 101 Clinic Nashville Number System clinic Steve Houghton Drum Clinic
Advertising and Marketing Offer in-store clinics at minimal cost
Advertising and Marketing Offer in-store clinics at minimal cost
Advertising and Marketing Offer in-store clinics at minimal cost
Advertising and Marketing Offer in-store clinics at minimal cost
Advertising and Marketing Offer in-store clinics at minimal cost
Advertising and Marketing Radio: Talk radio Christian radio station