Reading Is Fundamental RIF Read-In [date, time] [Company Logo]
RIF’s Mission Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF), founded in 1966, works to build a literate nation by helping young people discover the joy of reading. RIF… Shows children that reading is fun. Provides free books for children to choose and keep. Helps communities get involved with children’s and family literacy.
RIF Facts The oldest and largest children’s and family nonprofit literacy organization in the U.S. Operates through a national, grassroots network of volunteers. Highest priority is to serve the nation’s underserved children and families. Develops and delivers literacy programs and campaigns that motivate youth to read regularly.
RIF Read-In A locally-organized, literacy initiative that raises funds and awareness for the promotion of reading. Employees take a 20-minute break during the work day to read for fun in the office or at a designated school as a volunteer guest reader with the children. Employees are also encouraged to make a small donation of $5.00 to Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. The goal is to make reading a priority for kids and adults in the community.
When Is the RIF Read-In? [Provide exact date and time]
Why Should I Get Involved? Employee participation is the key to the success of the RIF Read-In and your contribution is vital in promoting reading. Opportunity to actively engage children in the local community by volunteering as guest readers at a designated school(s), daycare center, or after-school program. You can show kids and the community that your company supports literacy. It’s fun!
How Do I Get Involved? Tell your team leader that you’re interested in participating. Sign up and work with the team leader to determine how you will participate (i.e. help organize the event, serve as a volunteer guest reader, be a participant reader, etc.)
What Can I Do? Help organize and publicize the RIF Read-In. Recruit more participants. Raise or collect donations. Volunteer to guest read with children at a local school or other child-centered facility. Participate as a reader.
Where Can I Get More Information? Visit Contact [team leader info]