IMPORTANT DATES: January 16 th, Mobile Dentists Applications Due January 16 th and 30 th Late Start January 18 th, PTA Bake Sale and Fami9ly Fun Night January 21 st, No School – MLK Birthday January 24 th, Parent Meeting School Walk Through 8:45 AM Cafeteria January 25 th, Half Day School dismissed 11:45 AM, End of Second Card Marking January 30 th and 31 st Mobile Dentists Cleaning February 1 st, Core Values Assembly – 9 AM –Gym “PTA Fundraising Drive” Oakman PTA humbly requests your financial support for purchasing six filtered, refrigerated water fountains for Oakman Elementary School. The cost of purchasing the six water fountains is approximately $4,000. Families or businesses donating $50+ will have their family and/or business name listed on a plaque which will be proudly displayed in the main lobby for many years to come. Your support is appreciated and will resonate within Oakman for many years to come. Donations are now being accepted in the Main Office. Proper Attire: Until further notice students will be lining up in the Gym. When wind chill temperatures are below 20 degrees Fahrenheit students will not be going out for recess. Be sure your child is dressed appropriately. We recommend a winter coat, gloves and a hat be worn daily. Happy 2013! Oakman Elementary School News Principal: Radewin Awada January, 2013 A school where Children and Learning come first! Important Phone Numbers Attendance# Office # Fax# Important Phone Numbers Attendance# (313) Office # (313) Fax # (313) Student Safety: We need your help ensuring the safety of Oakman Elementary students. It is imperative we collectively adhere to school policies when dropping off and picking up children. All visitors entering Oakman are required to check in the Office and obtain a Visitor Pass. In order to preserve critical instructional time parents needing to consult with a teacher must first call and make an appointment. Please be advised if someone is seen in the school hallway without a Visitor Pass they will be considered a stranger and the police will be called. Oakman Parent Volunteerism: All Oakman Teachers welcome Parent Volunteers in their classroom. Time spent in your child’s classroom during the school day is priceless. The effects are profound and resonate for years to come. Be a difference maker and volunteer in the classroom and school, we look forward to having you! Please note, before volunteering all Parent Volunteers need to submit a license or state I.D. and be subject to a mandatory background check, this precaution is to protect your child and will be used for no other purpose. Traffic: Follow traffic rules and regulations when picking up or dropping off your child. This includes: refraining from parking in the school drop off zones during school hours, being courteous and patient, driving cautiously at all times, refrain from making illegal U-turns and most importantly obeying posted speed limits. Safety of all Oakman students is our number one priority and can only be achieved by working together. Do NOT drop students off in the middle of the street. Monthly Wisdom “The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct”. Marcus Tulius Cicero ( BC)