Pinyin Introduction day-1 Single finals Compound finals Initials
Review Classroom Expression 1 1, nǐ hǎo (How are you?) 2, Shěn lǎoshī hǎo (How are you, Teacher Shen?) 3, hěn hǎo (Very good!) 4, Qǐng gēn wǒ shuō (Please repeat after me) 5, Zàijiàn (Good-bye!)
Learn Classroom Expression 2 1, shàng kè ( Let’s begin the class. ) 2, xià kè (The class is over.) 3, dǎ kāi shū (Open the book.) 4, zài shuō yí biàn (Say it again.) 5, wǒ shuō, nǐmen tīng (I’ll speak, you listen.)
Chinese Pronunciation Pinyin Chinese syllable: 3 parts Examples: nǐ hǎo shuō hěn lǎoshī Tones(4): mā má mǎ mà (ma) Initials(21): b p m f d t n l g k h j q x z c s zh ch sh r Simple finals (6): a o e i u ü Compound: ao ia ou ai………
Initials (21) 1) b p m f d t n l 2) g k h 3) j q x 4) z c s 5) zh ch sh r
Finals Simple finals : a o e i u ü Compound finals 1, ai ei ao ou 2, an en ang eng ong 3, ia iao ie iu(iou) ian in iang ing iong 4, ua uo uai ui(uei) uan un(uen) uang ueng 5, üe üan ün 6, er
Initial + simple finals(1) aoeiuü bbabobibu ppapopipu mmamomemimu ffafofu ddadedidu ttatetitu nnaneninunünü llalelilulülü
Initial + simple finals(2) aoeiuü ggagegu kkakeku hhahehu jjijüjü qqiqüqü xxixüxü
aoeiuü zzaze zi zu ccace ci cu ssase si su zhzhazhezhizhu chchachechichu shshasheshishu rreriru
zi ci si z c s z c s + -i
zhi chi shi zh ch sh r zh ch sh r + -i ri
Compare: fu-fo mu-mo du-de tu-te nu-nü lu-lü ge-gu ke-ku he-hu ji-ju qi-qu xi-xu ji-qi xi-qi za-ze-zi ca-ce-ci sa-se-si zu-cu-su Zhi-zhe zhi-zi che-chi chi-ci she-shi shi-si ri-re-ru qi-chu qu-chu ju-chu zhu-zu chu-cu shu-su
Today’s homework 1, Review today’s class 2, Read aloud today’s classroom expressions 3, Do WB P.1 A B online at 4, Do WB P.8 III online at
Preparation 1, Read and listen TB P , Read and Listen TB P.16 classroom expressions.