HERE WE ARE 3 Approx sq. m working space Building belongs to the municipality All running costs paid by municipality Local, national and international activities Some 150 people per week Education – information – counseling – therapy – youth policy 27 staff
PRINCIPLES AND MISSION Always bearing in mind the principle of respecting human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms we aim at: -preventing and working with all forms of violence and abuse among children and young people, -supporting and helping children and young people develop their creative, intellectual and emotional potential -actively involving the local community in work for and with children and young people 4
YOUTH WORK PRINCIPLES Non-formal education Co-operation with other NGOs and youth groups Inter-sectorial co-operation Active involvement and participation Open and easy access for all Knowing and respecting the needs of young people Development of competences Constant/continuous self-education/development Motivated team – believing in what we ‘preach’ – focus on relationships 5
TARGET GROUPS Young adults Young adults at the risk of social exclusion Institutions working with the youth and for the youth Local institutions 8
PROBLEM BACKGROUND No fields in which young people could actively participate are created by the local institutions Formal educational system not suitable for young people self-development and goal-achievement approach Lack of common youth policy and cooperation between the local institutions 9
EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM Young people drift away to other countries or bigger cities Young people stay in Głogów, but turn into „complaining” mode, being passive and uncreative Disfunctional behaviour (alcohol and drug abuse, violence) 10
PROBLEM SOLUTION 1) SYSTEMIC WORK WITH THE YOUTH THROUGH: Developing their creativity and motivation (groups, debates, non-formal education) Enhancing young people’s social skills Serving help in educational, professional and psychological fields Volunteering 11
PROBLEM SOLUTION 2) INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK WITHIN THE INSTITUTIONS (local gov., NGOs etc.) Promoting and understanding the idea of cooperation and youth empowerment Creating common youth policy Creating a body responsible for coordinating and supervisng youth activities 12
YOUTH TRAININGS Development of skills: film, music, artistic skills, first aid Regular training for volunteers, incl. civic competences Training of peer educators – human rights education Occasional training activities Entrepreneurship skills training 13
SUCCESS KEY FACTORS Youth engagement Trained team of youth workers Access to information, resources and help Understanding the idea of youth empowerment and cooperation between institutions Mobilization of the local institutions Publicity 14
DESIRABLE RESULTS Creating youth-friendly environment, through work with competent staff and responding to young people’s needs Empowering young people and setting the trend of active lifestyle through non-formal education Teaching and multiplying social skills, local identity and social awarness among young people Running local and international projects and providing a proper folow up Promoting youth active participation and non-formal education 15
Thank you for your attention For more info visit: 16