It’s not what you know! Are you making connections for success? Presented by Anna Hynes CVAT Policy & Participation Team (Health, Care & Wellbeing)
Let’s start making connections! Who’s in the room? 1.How many of us are from a Voluntary, Community or Faith (VCFS) group? (show of hands) 2.For those of us from a VCFS group – what type of group is it? (a simple way to do this is whether you employ staff?) Please stand by the sign that describes your group/organisation best: We employ no staff, we are all volunteers. We employ less than 5 staff. We employ more than 5 staff.
Who do we know already? Thinking about your group/role, who is your most useful contact? E.g. this could be: A funder/commissioner or key contact from the public sector? Another member of staff/volunteer from your organisation? Another VCS organisation you do a lot of work with? A business? Pop it on a post it! Thanks
Local Public Sector Changes – Tameside Council The ‘Neighborhood Offer’ Locality Teams: North (Ashton) South (Longdendale, Hyde and Hattersley) East (Mossley, Stalybridge and Dukinfield) West (Denton, Droylsden and Audenshaw) Functions: Manage and coordinate services Community engagement and partnerships On the ground delivery and prevention Handouts
Local Public Sector Changes – Tameside Council Public Health, (moved to the Council in April ‘13) responsible for: The health of Tameside overall (‘the public’). The delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Lead the Health and Wellbeing Board (a statutory ‘must do’ for the Council). Angela Hardman is the Director of Public Health. There will be 4 project officers in each of the localities (they are recruiting these now) Watch this space for projects on: MECC, ABCD and Volunteering for Health – CVAT will be keeping groups up to date through the ebulletin and newsletter – if you don’t get it already why not sign up today?
Local Public Sector Changes – Tameside Council Local Councillors (and lead responsibilities): Cabinet: Ward level: Children, Young People and Families: ‘The hub’ - The multi-agency Tameside Children’s Hub went live on 21st October This means that all referrals for early help and children’s social care will go to one point: Children and Families - Service Information Directory (SID) Tania Brown - Local Authority designated officer (LADO)/ Safeguarding Advisor :
Local Public Sector Changes – Health The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Responsible for buying (commissioning) health services for Tameside and Glossop residents. Two teams to be aware of: Who’s who? who?site_locale=en who?site_locale=en Patient and Public Engagement – ‘listening to patients’ involved/consultations?site_locale=enhttp:// involved/consultations?site_locale=en Tracy Turley (Manager) Transformation (Commissioning)Team: who/transformation?site_locale=enhttp:// who/transformation?site_locale=en
Who do you want to get to know?.... is there something or someone that you think you need to contact? issue or idea you have, but your not sure who to contact? Think about......what do I want from this person?...what is my/our offer to them? Put it on a post –it and we’ll see if we can’t come up with some answers between us!
Top tips for making SUCCESSFUL connections: Make the most of chance encounters, network, talk to people you wouldn’t usually, try not to network with only the people you know already. Do your research and follow up these encounters to cement the introduction. Plan of attack! If you have identified a need, who is going to be the most useful person to talk to? Use existing relationships, it’s not always best to start at the top! Have an ‘offer’ as well as an ‘ask’ – if you can provide a solution you will be remembered! Keep up to date with partners priorities e.g. Local strategies, new projects and national changes e.g. Health & Wellbeing Strategy. Think of the ‘long game’ – relationships take time to build but can be well worth the effort! Some things won’t be solved over night, be realistic (particularly in the current climate) Contact CVAT – we build relationships for and with the VCFS, so let us know what we can do to help
Useful stuff: Tameside’s Health & Wellbeing Strategy - de%20Health%20and%20Wellbeing%20Strategy.pdf de%20Health%20and%20Wellbeing%20Strategy.pdf Children and Families: Valuing our communities project : CVAT’s ‘Social Value’ project (helping groups evidence the difference we make in Tameside: Socially, Environmentally and economically(questionnaire in your pack or contact Naomi Sampson: ). CVAT: