Chapter 4 Lessons 3, 4
Lesson 3: New Americans
NEW IMMIGRANTS 4 immigrant a person that has citizenship in one country, but enters another country to set up a permanent home. 4 After 1890, most immigrants came from the countries of northern Europe. 4 These countries included Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia
Why did immigrants come to the United States? 4 To escape hunger and lack of jobs 4 The factories and farms of the United States offered the hope of an income, food and work 4 Other immigrants were escaping violence, war and unfairness
Jewish Immigrants 4 Jewish immigrants left Europe to escape mistreatment because of their religion.
Mary Antin 4 A young immigrant from Russia. 4 She and her family left Russia because she could not attend school because she was Jewish.
Why did immigrants come to the United States? 4 to find jobs 4 political and religious freedom 4 Adventure 4 Mostly, they came hoping for opportunities to make better lives for themselves and their families
Ellis Island 4 immigration station 4 located in New York City Harbor 4 a place immigrants had to go before getting permission to enter the country.
What happened at Ellis Island? 4 doctors checked immigrants for dangerous diseases 4 governments officials asked immigrants questions about where they were from, what kind of work they did, and where they planned to live. 4 immigrants would spend a day at Ellis Island before returning to New York City
Angel Island 4 immigration station in San Francisco Bay for immigrants from China. 4 In the 1900’s, there was a law that limited the number of Chinese immigrants who could enter the United States.
What happened at Angel Island? 4 They were asked questions and had to prove they had family members already living in the United States. 4 Immigrants were held at Angel Island until they could prove they had family members already living in the United States. 4 Many Chinese immigrants spent weeks or months on Angel Island
A New World 4 It was a new world for immigrants very different from the world they had left 4 Most immigrants came from small farming villages and now they were in big cities
Starting a New Life 4 The first thing that immigrants needed to do was find a place to live 4 Most went to neighborhoods were there were other people from their country
Finding Jobs 4 Second, they needed to find a job. 4 Some found work in the railroads, mines and factories 4 Others started their own businesses or sold goods through the use of Pushcarts
Prejudice 4 unfair negative opinion about a group of people. 4 for example, many immigrants were not offered jobs at places that showed prejudice.
Diversity 4 means variety or assortment 4 for example, more than half the people in most big American cities were immigrants or children of immigrants 4 More people of Irish background lived in New York City than in Dublin
Diversity 4 Los Angeles California had the world’s second largest Mexican population – second only to Mexico City, Mexico 4 These examples show how immigrants contributed to the diversity (variety) of the American population