Review in slides Indonesia HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Indonesia
Content Basic socio-demographic indicators HIV prevalence and epidemiological status (1997-2009) Risk behaviors (2004-2007) Vulnerability and HIV knowledge (1994-2007) Economics of AIDS (2001-2008) National Response (2004-2009)
Basic socio-demographic indicators Total population (in thousands) 232,517 (2010)2 Annual population growth rate 1.0% (2010-2015)2 Population aged 15-49 (thousands) 129,084 (2008)6 Percentage of population in urban areas 44% (2010)1 Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population) 18.6 (2008)3 Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 41 (2008)4 Human development index (HDI) - Rank/Value 108/0.600 (2010)5 Life expectancy at birth (years) 71.5 (2010)5 Adult literacy rate 92% (2005-2008)5 Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%) 98 (2008)3 GDP per capita (PPP, $US) 4,198 (2009)3 Per capita total health expenditure (Int.$) 81 (2007)4 Source: 1. UNFPA The State of World Population 2010 2. UN Statistics Division 2010: 3. World Bank World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance ; 4. WHO World Health Statistics 2010 5. UNDP Human Development Report 2010 6. UN Population Division - Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision, Population Database
HIV prevalence and epidemiological status
Trends of HIV prevalence among selected populations at higher risk, Jakarta, 2000-2007 Sources: Indonesia_UNAIDS, Epidemiological Fact Sheets December, 2006 & 2008 Update ; CDC&EH, Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2004-2005 ; Indonesia_IBBS among most at risk groups, 2007
Trends of HIV prevalence among IDU, selected sentinel sites, 2003-2007 Source: HIV sentinel surveillance, 2003-2007_Ministry of Health
Trends of HIV prevalence among female sex workers in selected sentinel sites, 2004-2008 Source: HIV sentinel surveillance, 2004-2008_Ministry of Health
Trends of HIV prevalence among Prisoners in selected sentinel provinces, 2003-2007 Source: HIV sentinel surveillance, 2003-2007_Ministry of Health
HIV prevalence among selected key populations at higher risk by age group, 2007 Source: Indonesia_IBBS, 2007_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
HIV prevalence among IDU and sex workers by gender, 2007 Source: Indonesia_IBBS, 2007_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
HIV prevalence among key populations at higher risk, selected cities, 2007 Source: Indonesia_IBBS, 2007_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010
HIV prevalence among female sex workers, selected provinces, 2007 Source: Indonesia_IBBS, 2007
Number of new and cumulative HIV cases, 2000 - 2009 Source: Ministry of Health_AIDS Surveillance Report , January 2000 - December 2009
Cumulative percentage of HIV infection among VCT clients by risk groups, 2006-2009 Source: VCT monitoring and surveillance, November 2006 – June 2009, Ministry of Health
Cumulative percentage of HIV and AIDS cases by mode of transmission, 2005 - 2009 Source: Ministry of Health_AIDS Surveillance Report , 1987 - December 2009
Reported new HIV/AIDS cases by status of injecting drugs, 2000-2009 Source: Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Cumulative HIV/AIDS cases by age group and status of injecting drugs, 2009 Source: Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Cumulative HIV/AIDS cases by gender and status of injecting drugs, 2009 Source: Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Cumulative HIV/AIDS cases and deaths by province, 2009 Source: Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Cumulative HIV/AIDS cases by province and status of injecting drugs, 2009 Source: Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
HIV prevalence per 100,000 population by province, 2009 Source: Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Percent distribution of cumulative HIV/AIDS cases by mode of transmission, 2009 Source: Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Trends of major modes of transmission among reported HIV/AIDS cases, 1987-2009 Source: Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Estimated HIV prevalence among adults , 2008-2014 Source: Mathematic Model of HIV Epidemic in Indonesia, 2008-2014_ Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Estimated number of adults living with HIV, number of new HIV infections, and deaths, 2008-2014 Spectrum module is used for estimates and projections Source: Mathematic Model of HIV Epidemic in Indonesia, 2008-2014_ Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Estimated number of adults living with HIV, number of new HIV infections, and deaths, by gender Spectrum module is used for estimates and projections Source: Mathematic Model of HIV Epidemic in Indonesia, 2008-2014_ Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Estimated number of people in need of ART, by gender, 2008-2014 Spectrum module is used for estimates and projections Source: Mathematic Model of HIV Epidemic in Indonesia, 2008-2014_ Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Estimated number of children living with HIV, number of new HIV infections, and deaths, 2008-2014 Spectrum module is used for estimates and projections Source: Mathematic Model of HIV Epidemic in Indonesia, 2008-2014_ Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Estimated number of children in need of ART, by gender, 2008-2014 Source: Mathematic Model of HIV Epidemic in Indonesia, 2008-2014_ Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Estimated percent distribution of people living with HIV by population, 2008-2014 Source: Mathematic Model of HIV Epidemic in Indonesia, 2008-2014_ Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Estimated percent distribution of new HIV infection by population, 2008-2014 Source: Mathematic Model of HIV Epidemic in Indonesia, 2008-2014_ Directorate General Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health
Trend of HIV prevalence among FSWs in Sorong district, 1998-2005 Source:: CDC-EH_WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 2007
Trend of HIV prevalence among FSWs and IDUs in Jakarta, 1997-2005 Source: Ministry of Health, Sentinel Surveillance data, 2006
HIV prevalence among adults 15-49 and young people 15-24, 2001-2007 Source: 1. Indonesia_UNAIDS, Epidemiological Fact Sheets, 2008 Update 2. UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
HIV prevalence among general population in Tanhah Papua, by age group, 2006 Source: 1. Indonesia_Risk Behaviour and HIV Prevalence in Tanhah Papua, Results of IBBS in Tanhah Papua, MoH, 2006
Estimated number of people living with HIV, 2001-2007 Source: 2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic, UNAIDS/WHO, July 2008
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HIV prevalence and epidemiological status
HIV prevalence among transgender, Jakarta, 1997-2004 Source: MoH, National Estimates of Adult HIV Infection, 2002; UNAIDS/WHO Epidemiological Fact Sheets, 2006; UNAIDS,UNGASS country Report, 2005 and Ministry of Health, Indonesia. Results from the Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) in Indonesia 2004-2005. 2005
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