Voyage Through Space… Artist rendition
Spaceship Earth, Our Home Satellite Composite
What causes the seasons? A) Earth’s distance from the Sun B) the tilt of Earth’s axis C) variations in the Sun’s output D) the Moon’s gravity
What causes the seasons? B) the tilt of Earth’s axis
Phases of the Moon
How long does it take for the Moon to orbit Earth? A) One day B) One week C) One month D) One year
How long does it take for the Moon to orbit Earth? C) One month (or “moonth”)
Impacts, Collisions, and Moon Formation
Distance from the Sun to the Earth = 93,000,000 miles or one AU (Astronomical Unit)
Sun Solar Prominence Magnetic view X-ray view
How fast does light travel through space? A) 1 million miles/hour B) 93 million miles/second C) 186 miles/second D) 186,000 miles/second
) 186,000 miles/second D) 186,000 miles/second How fast does light travel through space?
Mercury Mariner 10 composite images
Mercury Mariner 10 images composite
Venus Magellan spacecraft, 1991
Venus Atmosphere Surface Color-enhanced radar composite image Magellan spacecraft, 1991
Thin atmosphere Viking spacecraft, composite image
Mars Rover
Surface of Mars Martian crater Martian hills
Asteroid belt A field of space debris orbiting our sun, found between Mars’ and Jupiter’s orbits.
Jupiter Cassini spacecraft, 2002
Jupiter Cassini spacecraft, 2002
Great Red Spot Voyager 2, 1979
Which of Jupiter’s moons is thought to possess underground oceans? A) Amalthea B) Io C) Europa D) Himalia
Which of Jupiter’s moons is thought to possess underground oceans? C) Europa
Europa Galileo spacecraft, 1996
Saturn Hubble telescope
Saturn Hubble telescope
Rings of Saturn Cassini space craft image, 2004 What keeps Saturn’s rings in place?
Uranus Picture by Voyager 2 Spacecraft, 1986
Uranus Picture by Voyager 2 Spacecraft, 1986
Which of the following planets has rings? A) Mercury B) Mars C) Neptune D) Pluto
Which of the following planets has rings? C) Neptune, but they can’t be seen from Earth
Voyager 2 spacecraft images, 1989
Hubble telescope Pluto Charon
Which of the following objects would appear to streak across the sky? A) A planet B) A comet C) A meteor D) The Moon
Which of the following objects would appear to streak across the sky? C) A meteor
Comet debris causes meteor showers. Meteors (Shooting stars) streak through our atmosphere, while comets orbit the sun. Halley’s comet taken from Hubble
Milky Way Galaxy Artist rendition
Milky Way Galaxy Artist’s rendition from recent observations
Roughly how many stars do astronomers think are in the Milky Way Galaxy? A) 100 thousand B) 1 billion C) billion D) a trillion
Roughly how many stars do astronomers think are in the Milky Way Galaxy? C) billion
Black Hole Hubble telescope photo of center of Milky Way
A place where stars are born is called what? A) a nebula B) an asteroid belt C) a planetary nebula D) Hollywood
A place where stars are born is called what? A) a nebula
Crab Nebula Hubble telescope
N-11, Emulsion Nebulas Hubble telescope
Hourglass Nebula Hubble telescope
Horsehead Nebula Hubble telescope
Planetary Nebulae
What color star is the hottest? A) Red B) Blue C) Yellow D) Green
What color star is the hottest? B) Blue, while red stars are the “coolest.”
By comparison, the Sun has a surface temperature of about 11,000 degrees, F. Filtered telescope
The hottest blue-white stars may have surface temperatures as hot as 72,000 degrees, F. “Cool” red stars have surface temperatures of about 5000 degrees, F.
The Pleiades Telescope
Which of the following will the Sun become when it grows old? A) A black hole B) A red dwarf C) A white dwarf D) A blue giant
Which of the following will the Sun become when it grows old? C) A white dwarf
Supernova Supernova remnant Hubble telescope
Who discovered that the galaxies are moving apart? A) Enrico Fermi B) Carl Sagan C) Albert Einstein D) Edwin Hubble
Who discovered that the galaxies are moving apart? D) Edwin Hubble...
…after whom the Hubble Space Telescope is named.
Universe Hubble’s deepest view of space and first galaxies
Astrobiology First Color View of Titan's Surface What are we doing to find out if there is life out there in the universe?
Exploration Buzz Aldrin Apollo 8 launch
Cassini spacecraft Artist’s renditions Mars rover Galileo spacecraft
Photo of International Space Station from space shuttle First photo of extrasolar planet, Hubble telescope New Discoveries…
How many planets outside our solar system have been found so far? A) less than 20 B) 3 C) 1, but it blew up D) about 80
How many planets outside our solar system have been found so far? D) about 80...
…many of these “extrasolar planets,” as they’re called, were discovered by Drs. Geoffrey Marcy & Paul Butler of the University of California at Berkeley.
What was most significant about the lunar voyage Was not that humans set foot on the moon But that we set eye on the Earth
Hubble telescope view into Sagittarius