The Universe By: Yusuf Saleem
Facts on Horsehead Nebula This Nebula was first seen at the Harvard College Observatory in Distance is about 1600 light-years. The Darkness is caused by thick dust.
Facts about the Eagle Nebula It’s about 90 trillion kilometers high. About twice the distance from the sun to the next nearest star. The nebula is formed by stars of cold hydrogen gas. At the top of the tower there is resisting erosion.
Picture of the Eagle Nebula
Facts on Rosette Nebula Located about 5,000 light years away. About 5 times the size of a full moon. Composed mostly of hydrogen. Was discovered in 1690 by John Flamsteed.
Whirlpool Galaxy Distance: 37,000(kly). Brightness: 8.4(mag). Is a spiral galaxy.
Milky Way Galaxy Distance: 28(kly). The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. This galaxy has about 400 billion stars.
Blackeye Galaxy Distance: 19,000(kly). Brightness: 8.5(mag). Was discovered March23, 1779 by Edward Pigott.
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy Distance: 15,000(kly). Brightness: 7.6(mag). Discovered Febuary23,1752.
Bode’s Galaxy Discovered December31,1774. Distance: 12,000(kly). Brightness: 6.9(mag).
Triangulum Galaxy Discovered in Distance: 3,000(kly). Brightness: 5.7(mag).
Andromeda Galaxy Distance: 2,900(kly). Brightness: 3.4(mag). Known at about AD 905.