Organization of the Body Basic Mechanisms of Disease
Pathophysiology- organized study of underlying physiological processes associated with disease
Mechanisms of Disease 1.Genetic mechanisms 2.Pathogenic mechanisms prions viruses bacteria fungi protozoa pathogenic animals (insects, worms) 3. Tumors and cancer 4. Physical and chemical agents 5. Malnutrition 6. Autoimmunity 7. Inflammation 8. Degeneration
Risk Factors for Disease Genetic factors Age Lifestyle Stress Environmental factors Microorganisms
Disease Terminology Signs- objective abnormalities that can be seen or measured by someone other than the patient Symptoms- subjective abnormalities that are felt only by the patient Syndrome-collection of different signs and symptoms that occur together Acute- symptoms appear suddenly, persist for a short time, then disappear Chronic- develops slowly and last for a long time
Disease Terminology Etiology- study of all of the factors causing disease, theory of a disease’s cause Idiopathic- diseases with an undetermined cause Communicable- diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another Pathogenesis- actual pattern of a disease’s development
Disease Terminology Incubation- latent or hidden stage when no signs of disease is evident Remission- reversal of a chronic disease, can be temporary or permanent Epidemiology- study of occurrence, distribution, and transmission of diseases in human populations Endemic- disease native to a local region Epidemic- disease that spreads to many individuals at the same time Pandemic- epidemics that effect large geographical regions (worldwide)