Black Holes By Marcos Cruz
TITLE SIDE Learning about black holes Creation of black holes Sizes of black holes Did You Know Milky Way Galaxy Space Time Myths
Learning about black holes Black holes thought to exist at the center of most galaxies. Black holes can’t be observed. Black holes are so dark, that light can get to it but no through it. The first black hole was discovered in 1916 by a man named Karl Schwazschild. Black holes suck up everything in their path.
Creation of black holes Before a black hole is a black hole it's a supernova. And before that it was a red supergiant. Even before that it was a massive star. First its a stellar nebula creation of a blac k hole
Black holes are at least 10 to 15 times larger than the sun. Black holes are one of many parts of the end of a stars life. A black hole can grow to have the mass of 18 billion suns. One of the largest black holes Sizes of black holes
The smallest black hole weighs about 4 times the mass of our sun.(3.8) The smallest black hole is about 15 miles or 25 kilometer, in diameter. The black hole is part of the binary star system
Sizes of black holes Did you know that there is no average size for a black hole in the entire universe. The size of a black hole depends on the way they were formed. The making of a black hole
Did You Know Did you know that a synonym for a black hole is a great void or prison Black holes emit radition radition Radiation sign ---->
Did You Know Did you know that black hole technically have no color because, not even light can escape from it. They have no color because, color is picked up by our eyes. Inside of a black hole if it was on a computer. Black
Did You Know Did you know that a few black holes have names. One of the names of a black holes is X-1 ( X-1 l ) V
Milky Way Galaxy There are billion, trillion of stars and black holes can be formed by any of them. Its very difficult to tell how many black holes can be in a universe. Astronomiers beleve that there is one black hole at center of each galaxy. ( Some of the stars of the Milky Way galaxy )
Milky Way Galaxy There may be hundreds of black holes roaming the Milky Way Galaxy. Most galaxies if not, all are believed to have supermassive black holes at the center of their galaxies. <--A black hole at the center of the Milky Way
SPACE TIME Black hole are a hole in space time. Blacks hole maybe cold alter because they deal with time. To represent time <--
M YTHS One myth about black holes, is that the sun will become a black hole. This is False because it is too small to become a black hole.When the sun burns out it will become a white dwarf Another myth is, when falling into a black hole, I can see the fate of Universe flash before me! This is False, but you might see your life flash before you. A huge myth is If I go into a black hole, I come out of a white hole! This is False a is just a gravitational field from an object with infinite density
Resources Google hole-formation