IPM in Soybean Dr. Amar N. Sharma Principal Scientist (Entomology) Directorate of Soybean Research (ICAR) Indore (MP)
IPM !!!!!!!!!!!
Integrated Pest Management Integrated use of all possible measures to keep insect-pest population below ETL
Limitations in adoption of IPM Lack of awareness Easy access to chemical insecticides Inadequate production of bio-control agents Farmers’ economic status Lack of incentives Limited area under IPM Then why IPM ?????
InsectsScientific nameActivity duration A. Foliage feeders: Semiloopers Chrysodeixis acuta (Wlk.)Pre-bloom to podding Diachrysia orichalcea (Fab.)Pre-bloom to podding Gessonia gemmaPre-bloom to podding Mocis undata Fab.Pre-bloom to podding Tobacco caterpillarSpodoptera litura (Fab.)Pre-bloom to podding Gram pod borerHelicoverpa armigera (Hub.)Pre-bloom to podding Bihar hairy cater.Spilarctia obliqua (Wlk.)Pre-bloom to podding Leaf folderHedylepta indicata (Fab.)Pre-bloom to podding Leaf minerAproaerema modicella Dev.Seedling to pre-bloom Blue beetleCneorane sp.Seedling to pre-bloom Major Insect-Pests of Soybean
InsectsScientific nameActivity duration B. Stem borers: Stem flyMelanagromyza sojae (Zehnt.)Seedling to seed fill Girdle beetleObereopsis brevis (Swed.)Pre-bloom to seed fill C. Pod borers: Gram pod borerHelicoverpa armigera (Hub.)Pod initiation to seed fill Pink pod borerCydia ptychora MeyrickPod initiation to seed fill D. Sap feeders: White flyBemisia tabaci Genn.Seedling to bloom Green stinkbugNezara viridula (Linn.)Pod initiation to seed fill Mealy bugPhenacoccus spp.Flowering
Damage Potential of Insects Leaf Miner : % Leaf Folder : % Stem Fly : % Girdle Beetle : 58 % White Fly (YMV) : 80 % Green Semilooper : 46 % Bihar Hairy Caterpillar: 42 % Grey Weevil : 10 % Pod Borer : 95 % Pod damage Aphids : 30 % Leaf Miner : % Leaf Folder : % Stem Fly : % Girdle Beetle : 58 % White Fly (YMV) : 80 % Green Semilooper : 46 % Bihar Hairy Caterpillar: 42 % Grey Weevil : 10 % Pod Borer : 95 % Pod damage Aphids : 30 %
(AICRPS 2012 to 2014) Yield loss v/s Damage levels v/s Crop stage
Leaf Damage due to Defoliators Crop stageMean Loss (%) 1 week before flowering At 50 % flowering 1 week after flowering 20 % % % Mean Loss (%) Yield losses due to Defoliators
35 DAG 42 DAG 49 DAG 56 DAG Levels of Infestation (%) Yield Loss(%) % Yield Loss due to varying levels of Girdle beetle infestation at different crop stages
Stem tunnelling Mean Up to 10 % – 20 % – 30 % – 40 % – 50 %43.8 Mean21.4 % Yield loss due to Stem fly
% Yield loss due to Pod borer Pod damage(%)Mean Up to Mean19.0
Insect Outbreaks
Damage due to Outbreak of S. litura (Rajasthan, 1999)
Damage due to Outbreak of S. litura (MP, 2003)
Damage due to Outbreak of S. litura (Maharashtra- 2008)
Semilooper attack in Nagpur (2009) Crop condition on 30 th July 2009 Crop condition on 13 th August 2009
Demonstrated Feasibility and economics
Multi-location IPM Module 1: Recommended dose of fertilizers, Seed treatment with Rhizobium, PSB and Trichoderma, Bird-perches Pheromone traps Removal of girdle beetle, Spodoptera and D. obliqua infested plants/plant parts, Foliar application of Bt or B. 1.0 kg/ha, and Need based application of chemical insecticides
Module 2: Recommended dose of fertilizer, Seed treatment with Rhizobium, PSB and Trichoderma, Spray of Ha NPV or Sl 250 LE/ha, Spray of N. rileyi or 1.0 l/ha, Spray of 5%, Need based application of chemical insecticides
Measures to reduce insect infestation Deep summer ploughing Selection of proper variety Balanced nutrition Proper seed rate & spacing Use of Improved Light Traps
Use of Pheromone Traps
Bird perches
Management of Soybean insect-pests Removal of infested plants
Use of Microbial insecticides Bt based: Dipel, Biobit, Halt, 1.0 kg/ha, or Bb based: Biorin, Biosoft, Larvocel, 1.0 kg/ha, or Virus based: HaNPV / 250 LE/ha
Comparative Performance of B.t. Formulations Larvae / mrl (Mean 10 DAT) Average Larval Population on 1 DBT = /mrl
Overall Performance of B.t. Formulations Larvae / mrl Average Larval Population on 1 DBT = 9.13 / mrl Average Larval Population in Control = / mrl
Compatibility of Bt with Chemical Insecticides Bt based microbial insecticides are compatible with chemical insecticides like – Monocrotophos, Thiamethoxam, Methomyl and Lufenuron, And with fungicides like – Carbendazim, Thiophenate methyl and Triadimefon Mixture of Bt and Monocrotophos is also compatible with Carbendazim and Thiophenate methyl
Exploitation of Natural Enemies
Natural enemiesHost insectPotential Parasitoids (Appanteles, Trichogramma, Brachymeria, Bracon, Sturmia spp.) C. acuta, D. orichalcea, S. litura, H. armigera 5 to 30 % larval mortality Predators (Cantheconidia furcellata, Chrysoperla carnea) C. acuta, D. orichalcea, S. Litura 10 to 12 % larval predation Insect Pathogens (B. bassiana. N. rileyi, Bt & NPV) C. acuta, D. orichalcea, S. litura, H. armigera 15 to 100 % larval mortality Potential of Natural Enemies
Success Stories in biological control Papaya mealy bug (Paracoccus marginatus) control through Acerophagus papayae) Sugarcane woolly aphid (Ceratovacuna lanigera) control through predators (Dipha aphidivora or Micromus igorotus)
Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) Symbiotic bacteria associated with EPNs: Xenorhabdus sp. with Steinernematids, Photorhabdus sp. with Heterorhabditids
Field evaluation of EPNs (NBAII Strains)
Use of Chitin inhibitors Diflubenzuron g/ha, or Lufenuron ml/ha
Acacia arabica (leaves & seeds) Annona squamosa (leaves & seeds) Datura stramonium (leaves & seeds) Eucalyptus globulus (leaves) Ipomoea carnea (leaves) Lantana camara (leaves) Nicotiana tabacum (leaves) Pongamia pinnata (leaves) 1. Bio-efficacy : Aqueous 25, 50, 75 and 100% Ethanol 5, 7.5 and 10 % 2. Preference Index 3. Compatibility & Synergism 4. Utilization Indices 5. Mode of Action Use of Botanicals
Stomach Poisons : Lantana leaves Nicotiana leaves Pongamia leaves Acacia seed Annona seed Datura seed Contact Poisons : Annona leaves Ipomoea leaves Contact and Stomach Poisons : Acacia leaves Datura leaves Eucalyptus leaves Mv Itg Pm MEL
Use of Chemical insecticides Judicious / Need based Recommended insecticides With proper dose and dilution Careful and safe application Proper Time of application
ETL of some major Insect-Pests Blue beetle: 4 adults / mrl upto 10 DAG. Green semilooper: 3 larvae / mrl at flowering, or 4 larvae / mrl at podding. Tobacco caterpillar: 10 larvae / mrl at pre-flowering. Pod borer: 10 larvae / mrl at pod development. Leaf folder: 8-9 folded leaves / mrl. Stem fly: 26 per cent stem tunnelling. Blue beetle: 4 adults / mrl upto 10 DAG. Green semilooper: 3 larvae / mrl at flowering, or 4 larvae / mrl at podding. Tobacco caterpillar: 10 larvae / mrl at pre-flowering. Pod borer: 10 larvae / mrl at pod development. Leaf folder: 8-9 folded leaves / mrl. Stem fly: 26 per cent stem tunnelling.
Recommended Insecticides and precautions Selection of suitable insecticide For Stem fly, Blue beetle and Linseed caterpillar Phorate kg/ha Thiamethoxam ml/kg seed Thiamethoxam g/ha Quinalphos l/ha
For Girdle beetle Triazophos ml/ha Thiacloprid ml/ha Ethofenprox l/ha
For Defoliators Chlorpyrifos l/ha Quinalphos l/ha Triazophos ml/ha Profenophos l/ha Rynaxypyre ml/ha Methomyl kg/ha Lembda cyhalothrin ml/ha Indoxacarb ml/ha Spinosad ml/ha
For Pod borers Profenophos l/ha Emamectin benzoate kg/ha Rynaxypyre ml/ha Indoxacarb ml/ha Methomyl kg/ha Lembda cyhalothrin ml/ha Spinosad ml/ha
For Sap sucking insects Ethofenprox l/ha Difenthiuron kg/ha Thiamethoxam ml/kg seed Imidacloprid ml/kg seed Imidacloprid ml/ha
For Mealy bug Profenophos 50EC1.25 lit Quinalphos 25EC2.0 lit Acephate 75SP2.0 kg Chlorpyriphos 20EC1.50 lit Thiamethoxam 25 WG100 ml For Red Spider Mite Ethion l/ha
Insect(s)Weed(s)Combination Stem flyMonocot + Dicot Monocot 1. Rynaxypyr + Imazethapyr 2. Rynaxypyr + Quizalofop Ethyl Semi- loopers Monocot + Dicot Monocot Monocot + Dicot 1. Rynaxypyr + Imazethapyr 2. Rynaxypyr + Quizalofop Ethyl 3. Indoxacarb + Imazethapyr S. lituraMonocot + Dicot Monocot 1. Rynaxypyr + Imazethapyr 2. Quinalphos + Imazethapyr 3. Quinalphos + Quizalofop Ethyl Girdle beetle Monocot + Dicot 1. Rynaxypyr + Imazethapyr 2. Indoxacarb + Imazethapyr Compatible combinations of Insecticides and Herbicides for effective management of major insects and weeds in Soybean
Proper dilution of insecticide Proper Spray time Protective clothing
Proper spray equipment
किसान की सूझबूझ
FEASIBILITY OF PLANT EXTRACTS Stock solution : 0.2 kg in 1 lit to give 100 % stock soln. With Power sprayer – For 100 % conc. – 24.0 kg crushed in 120 lit of water For 75 % conc. – 18.0 kg crushed in 120 lit of water For 50 % conc.– 12.0 kg crushed in 120 lit of water For 25 % conc. – 6.0 kg crushed in 120 lit of water