Our new system for generating and approving research proposals was developed by Jay Reiss last spring and has been in operation since then. Over the last several months we have learned that a number (if not all) of the problems encountered by users of the system can be avoided if everyone does ALL their work on the same remote desktop, and not the one on your own machine. The following slides take you through the steps you must follow to connect to same remote desktop.
1. From your own desktop Click Start If you see an icon like this click it. Otherwise, click All Programs, then Accessories, then Communications and then Remote Desktop Connection
Once you have a Remote Desktop Connection box like the one shown below: Be sure that the numbers in the “Computer:” bar are If other numbers appear, clear them and enter the numbers above. Click connect If it’s easier for you to remember, you could also enter this: data.psych.udel.edu
If you get a message like this, click OK.
Here’s the login dialog box for connecting to the remote desktop. For user name, enter the same one you would use to connect to the departmental exchange server: For Mike Kuhlman, it would be psych\kuhlman. Then enter the same password you use for the departmental exchange server. Click OK. If all goes well, you’ll soon be connected to the remote desktop.
All went well for me. Here is a copy of Mike’s desktop on the server. Yours will look different. At the top of this screen, the numbers should appear. That’s your cue that you’re on the correct server. From this desktop, ( ) click the Internet Explorer icon.
In the URL bar type This will generate yet another login box. Hang on ….. You’re almost there.
For this next dialog box, enter the same username and password you used before; the ones you would use to logon to the departmental web server. And, if all goes well again, you’re about to be connected to the web page for the generation of proposals. Be ready for a pretty busy, complicated page.
And, at last(!) you’re there. Assuming you’re generating a new proposal, your next step is to get a “blank” Adobe proposal form, and fill it in. Get the form by clicking here
The “blank” form you’ll fill in is an Adobe form. Once you’ve filled it in, you need to take 2 more steps, and it’s important that you take them in this order. Step 1 : Save your proposal to a folder on the remote desktop (the remote desktop that you followed our instructions to get to), with a special name. Naming your form: Use this format: A.B.C Where: A is the name of the faculty member associated with this proposal. B is the name of the proposal writer C is a short “code” to help you (and us) recognize the project the proposal is for So, if Erin is submitting a proposal on trust in the prisoner’s dilemma game, she would give the proposal the following name: Kuhlman.Yeagley.TrustPDG Save your specially named proposal Step 2 is described on the next page.
Step 2: Add (copy) the proposal you just saved to the “box”, called Proposal Submissions – Chairperson of Committee. Click here (“Add New Document”) and follow the steps.