Friends Chat
Friends Chat on Voice
Voice Chat Friends Chat is a full bodied, well researched, complete user interface for subscribers to talk/ chat over Voice anonymously (sharing only their virtual identities that are created by them and never giving out the mobile numbers). The intuitive, dynamic menu makes Friends Chat an exhilarating experience
Internet Social NetworkingMobile Social Networking Chatting the Internet Way… Internet chatting is a hugely popular phenomenon the world over, with communities coming together to hold discussions and express their views on topics of interest. The only drawbacks are that : Users need a constant Internet connection Need to be comfortable with a keyboard And aren’t able to easily convey their true emotions. Chatting the Mobile Way… With Voice Chat, users have the same opportunity to catch up with like- minded people, but rather than having to type to communicate, they talk. Communities of users can readily express emotions They don’t require a keypad or Internet connectivity, they simply use their mobile phone to enter discussion groups. How is it different from Internet
Mobile Chat – Edge over Internet Promising as it would just accentuate all the drivers of chat: – Secure (mobiles are mostly personal unlike computers which are shared) – High availability (mobile is always on and with you) – Little or no spam as it would be charged. – No bandwidth issues – No Waiting between the clicks – No carrying of laptops all the time for chatting
How Voice Chat works? User dials the IVR short code and registers to the service and is provided with a unique Chat ID. Creates his profile by answering simple questions. User then records a short prompt on himself/ herself for others to hear and chose from. User given an option to select profile from a profile pool. User can call the desired profile and directly speak to other subscriber Element of anonymity is maintained as only the Chat ID is shared and not the mobile number New User CLI Displays A Party’s Chat ID maintaining privacy of profile Subscriber completes his profile by answering few questions like age, gender, Hobbies, Chat Interest
How Voice Chat works? Registered subscriber Dials Short code Given the option in the main menu to browse and talk to selected profiles or call directly to a known Chat ID. If Chooses to hear profiles, user given an option of speaking to the selected profile and the calls gets patched. CLI displayed is user’s Chat ID for maintaining the privacy of the profile After call is disconnected the Chat ID’s are sent to both users for future conversation In Account Management subscriber can change and edit profile and various other options. Existing User CLI Displays A party’s Chat ID maintaining privacy of profile
Chat Basics Fair Success of Altruist Friends Chat on voice across operators in India. Unified platform with access on Voice, SMS and WAP would provide the next usage and revenue leap Addition of Chat rooms/ topical discussion boards Blogs Convenient SMSing. Enhanced Features Anonymity More Upfront Group Interaction The critical elements of anonymity and ease of use are furthered. Chat would allow an even more upfront and no holds barred initiation, introduction and interaction platform to users. People get into rooms/ huddles for finding like minded mates. Discussions on topical issues can be initiated and enjoyed over SMS Chat.
On Ground Strategy Momentum Opportunity Analyzer Creating impact TG Mapping Impress intrigue Educate Engage incentive utility Acquire Involve Identify Consumers Identify Consumers Involve Give them reason to explore Involve Give them reason to explore Sustain Help them subscribe Sustain Help them subscribe Objective By creating necessary hype Intrigue in their mindset Objective By creating necessary hype Intrigue in their mindset Objective Get them engaged Objective Get them engaged Objective Drive utility Objective Drive utility
Benefits Subscriber Benefits Communicate with emotion Voice is a far more expressive form of communication than text, creating a greater affinity between communities of users Login at will Unless the user chooses to logout, connection to other members is 24x7 Simple to use Subscribers don’t need a keypad or Internet connection, they simply talk via their mobile Security Individual mobile numbers are not disclosed hence providing security to the user No language barriers Users can determine their language of choice for discussions, enabling greater freedom of expression Operator Benefits Exploits existing infrastructure Voice Chat is provided on existing infrastructure, enabling operators to realize a greater return on investment Improved revenue generation Voice Chat is an easy to use version of Internet chat, helping operators generate additional voice revenue Competitive Advantage Availability of product which ports the internet experience over the mobile with element of voice will provide a competitive edge to the operator
Network Architecture