Mineral Review Test tomorrow 10/11/13 20 multiple-choice Regents questions
What determines the physical properties of minerals? What is the formula for density? How does the density of an object change if the object is cut in half?
What two minerals will bubble with acid? Which element makes up the largest mass in the lithosphere (crust)?
What is the streak of a mineral and how is it useful in the identification of minerals? Which element makes up the largest mass in the lithosphere (crust)?
Describe the appearance of a mineral that breaks with cleavage. Describe the environment of cooling for a mineral sample that has small crystals.
What two elements are required in the chemical composition of a mineral classified as a “silicate mineral”. Identify the mineral that is metallic, has a hardness around 2.5, and has cleavage.
Identify the mineral that is non-metallic, has a hardness greater than 5, has cleavage, and has striations visible. Identify the mineral that is non-metallic, has a hardness greater than 2, but less than 5, has cleavage and bubbles with acid.