Episcopal Relief & Development’s NetsforLife® Program Presenter: Abagail Nelson Senior Vice President, Programs
Mission and Scale NetsforLife®, a health program of Episcopal Relief & Development, empowers African communities to fight malaria and other disease burden in Africa NetsforLife® started in 2006 as a pilot in Zambia and expanded to 17 countries across sub- Saharan Africa Since inception, faith-based community has been an integral component of the program implementation
Mobilizing Faith Communities for Health Social and Behavior Change 1. Community Mobilization and SBCC 5. Promote Practices to Others COMMUNITY 4. Care-Seeking HEALTH FACILITIES 3. Care-Seeking COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS 2. Adopt Healthy Behaviors AT HOME Knowledge Approval Intention Practice Community Dialogue & Action Community Results Tracking Community Celebration & Planning Faith Leaders & Traditional Leaders Cost
Impact 112,235 children under 5 alive today due to the program 21.9 million LLINs distributed to/or in homes in 17 African countries Influenced 5 countries national malaria prevention approach based on NetsforLife ® evidence 41 million individuals sensitized in malaria prevention
Impact: SBCC & Health Care Utilization Angola Program as an Example Prevention Use of Health Services Social Norm Knowledge
Impact: Increase in LLIN Use
Policy Change and Influence Empowering communities for ownership & action Engaging key stakeholders at national level e.g. NMCP, private sector Using evidence- based results to influence national policy. Successful in five countries- Angola, Ghana Liberia, Sierra Leone and Zambia Leading change and sharing comparable impact Robust Monitoring & Evaluation Strong Advocacy/ Partnership
Unique Value Proposition Existing extensive network –The power of the pulpit Assets-based Management –Institutional Longevity-Anglican Communion –Community Health Volunteers –Engagement of women’s groups, schools, health facilities Sustaining the Gains –Community ownership –Continued engagement of volunteers (e.g. through Savings & Loans)
Recommendations Engage faith communities’ powerful, top-down, bottom-up advocacy platform already in place Invest in faith engagement, which is highly cost-effective but NOT free Build sustainability through community mobilization and ownership via SBCC
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