Prof John Kinnear Head of MMed Anaesthesia Programme Consultant Anaesthetics & ITU, Southend Dr Kate Grady Course Developer Consultant Anaesthetics & Pain, Manchester
Problem statement > 360,000 childbirth related deaths/year Most in LMIC countries
Problem statement Most common causes of death: –Bleeding –Infection –Unsafe abortion –Eclampsia –Obstructed labour
SAFE Obstetrics – Aims Improve clinical management of life- threatening emergencies Sustainability - embed teaching faculty
SAFE Obstetrics – Method 3 day course Focus on leading causes of death Resuscitation of mother and child
SAFE Obstetrics – Method 4 th day for Train-the-Trainer course Local delegates identified as trainer potential Diminishing support over subsequent courses until self-sufficient Cascaded training to the provinces
SAFE Obstetrics – Results Piloted and run in Uganda, Liberia and Ghana since 2011 Concurrent teaching of LifeBox course