Podcasting Integrating technology that students LOVE to use!
What is a “Podcast?” An MP3 file? The audio form of “blogging”? Radio or magazine that you listen to on the web? Audio and visual files that you subscribe to? THE ANSWER IS: YES!
Definition From Wikipedia: From Wikipedia: “A podcast is a media file that is distributed by subscription (paid or unpaid) over the Internet using syndication feeds, for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. Like 'radio', it can mean both the content and the method of syndication... a podcast is distinguished from other digital audio formats by its ability to be downloaded automatically, using software capable of reading feed formats such as RSS or Atom. “
How do you do it? 1 - Record sound – use a digital audio recorder or directly onto the computer 2 - Edit – add music, voice-overs, etc. 3 - Compress into MP3 format 4 - Create an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed to allow people to subscribe to your podcast to allow people to subscribe to your podcast 5 - Post on the web
Possible Classroom Uses Traditional Projects Research and write a paper on rocks Research and write a paper on rocks Create a poster about a state in the west Create a poster about a state in the west Study integers Study integers Podcast Application Research rocks and record a podcast for future classes Record information about a trip through the west Create real life problems using integers and podcast them
Benefits Student Interest Student Interest Appeal to students of all ability Appeal to students of all ability Integrating technology Integrating technology Parental / community involvement Parental / community involvement Low cost to implement Low cost to implement
Drawbacks Time to put it together Time to put it together Information becomes out of date quickly Information becomes out of date quickly Non “tech savy” teachers Non “tech savy” teachers Training needed Training needed BUT...
Its fun and real life! Longfellow 7th grader Alyssa M. Gilbertson - “When you’re writing an essay,” she said, “you don’t try your hardest because after you’re done, you throw it away or put it in a box.” But with podcasts, she said, “now we try a lot harder because we want other people to know that we [can] do more. We want people to hear us.” from
General Informational Sites Allows you to read about, search for, subscribe to, listen to, and create podcasts Get it from the source of the original ipod and the term podcasting Good resource for general information, sample podcasts, and articles in support of using podcasting in K-12 schools
Sample Podcasts The Education Podcast Network: The Education Podcast Network: A collection of podcasts for and by educators that is very current. A toolbar on the left of the screen allows you to choose a Podcast based on level (elementary, middle school, or high school) or by subject Podcast Alley Podcast Alley A collection of podcasts grouped by topic and ready for download. This link is more specific to educators but podcast.com has podcasts appropriate for any audience Looking for a multicultural podcast. This site offers podcasts out of the UK!
Sites to access needed Technology Site where you can download the software to record live audio, edit MP3 and WAV sound files, cut, copy, splice, and mix sounds together, change the speed or pitch of a recording, etc. or or Two possible sites that can be used for hosting and publishing your podcast.