Andy Dolan USFWS State Private Lands Coordinator Lafayette, LA
Seedling Handling Handling and treatment from nursery to proper planting is critical to seedling survival Minimize time from lifting at nursery to planting If unable to plant within days seek refrigerated storage at 35-38F (dependent on weather and onsite storage options) Seedling roots must be kept moist and in bags (typically gel-coated at nursery) Dry roots = dead seedlings If stored for any length of time, check gel coat periodically and water if necessary
Covered transportation from nursery to field is most desirable; use tarp in open trailer, make sure bags are closed tight and do not face forwards in first row Place seedlings in cool, dark location out of wind if possible (cover with tarp if necessary) Do not open bags until ready to plant (inspect root condition by pulling individual seedlings out or retie bag securely afterwards) Dry roots = dead seedlings! Hotter, dryer environmental conditions = seek refrigerated storage
Robust root system most important inch overall seedling length desirable 3/8 inch root collar desirable Moist roots are imperative!
Do not plant in conditions too hot or too cold (below freezing) or dry Use planting bags to minimize root exposure to air Keep opened seedling bags closed in field if seedlings remain in them Plant species on proper sites (drier-adapted species cannot be moved downslope) Ensure proper planting techniques Monitor planting crews from start to finish!
Allow root pruning only for root masses oversized for dibble blades Better to plant slightly deep than shallow (at or just below root collar)
Monitor planting crews for entire job (sometimes 1 or 2 “slackers” in crew) Correct issues immediately (make them replant problem seedlings)
3-year old BLH planting (high quality silt loam site)
4-year old BLH planting (silty clay loam soil)
10-year old BLH planting (clay soil)