The Essential 55 by Ron Clark Rule #8: Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. If I hear a tsk, your homework will be doubled.
* QUIZ *Homework Questions * Notes on Complementary & Supplementary Angles Session 10Quiz today HW on your desk. Thurs/Fri 3.6 & 3.7 Mon/Tues Review Ch 3 Wed/Thurs TEST CH 3 & 4.1 * Practice
HW Questions p p , 20-27
Two angles are supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180 degrees. Each angle is the supplement of the other. 1 2 These are supplements of each other because their angles add up to 180.
Example 1 Find the value of x.
Example 2 Find the value of x.
Example 3 Find the value of x.
Two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90 degrees. Each angle is the complement of the other. 1 2 These are complements of each other because their angles add up to be 90.
Example 4 Find the value of x.
Example 5 Find the value of x.
Are angles 1 and 2 a linear pair? Are angles 1 and 3 adjacent angles? Are angles 2 and 3 adjacent angles? Are angles 3 and 4 a linear pair? no yes Think back to last class… 4
Are angles 4 and 5 supplementary angles? Are angles 2 and 3 complementary angles? Are angles 2 and 1 complementary angles? Are angles 4 and 3 supplementary angles? no yes Now, think of what we talked about today. 4
#1-3 1 st figure, #4-7 2 nd figure, # rd figure
Figure 1 A C F D B E G
Figure 2 X Z Q S T V Y
Figure 3 N M O L P Q R
p. 119 #14 – 26 even, 28 – 37 all (16 problems total) TEST Wednesday 14 th (odd) Thursday 15 th (even)!!!