Lepton - Photon 01 Francis Halzen the sky the sky > 10 GeV photon energy < cm wavelength > 10 8 TeV particles exist > 10 8 TeV particles exist Fly’s Eye/Hires they should not they should not more/better data more/better data arrays of air Cherenkov telescopes 10 4 km 2 air shower arrays ~ km 3 neutrino detectors
Energy (eV ) Radio CMB Visibe GeV -rays 1 TeV Flux
TeV sources! cosmic rays //////////////////////////////////
+ e + + e - With 10 3 TeV energy, photons do not reach us from the edge of our galaxy because of their small mean free path in the microwave background.
fluorescence from atmospheric nitrogen cosmic ray fluorescent light electromagnetic shower o +_+_ +_+_
Acceleration to eV? ~10 2 Joules ~ 0.01 M GUT dense regions with exceptional gravitational force creating relativistic flows of charged particles, e.g. annihilating black holes/neutron stars dense cores of exploding stars supermassive black holes
Cosmic Accelerators E ~ BM energy magnetic field boost factor mass E ~ cBR R ~ GM/c 2
E ~ B M quasars 1 B 10 3 G M 10 9 M sunquasars 1 B 10 3 G M 10 9 M sun blasars 10blasars 10 neutron stars 1 B G M M sunneutron stars 1 B G M M sun black holes black holes.. grb 10 2grb 10 2 E > eV ? emit highest energy ’s! >~ >~
Profile of Gamma Ray Bursts Total energy: one solar massTotal energy: one solar mass Photon energy: 0.1 MeV to TeVPhoton energy: 0.1 MeV to TeV Duration: 0.1 secs minDuration: 0.1 secs min Several per daySeveral per day Brightest object in the skyBrightest object in the sky Complicated temporal structure:Complicated temporal structure: no ‘typical’ burst profile
A few more results … Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) –Observation of single 3 excess (GRB a) within 1997 BATSE trigger. Flux limit for unidentified TeV point sources –For E spectrum AMANDA II will probe this flux for Flux (>1 TeV) < 2 – 30 x cm -2 s 90% However, spectrum probably softer due to reprocessing (core) and absorption in photon BG / = 1 / = 1
Particles > eV ? not protons cannot reach us from cosmic accelerators cannot reach us from cosmic accelerators int < 50 Mpc int < 50 Mpc no diffusion in magnetic fields no diffusion in magnetic fields doublets, triplet not photons + B earth e + + e - not seen + B earth e + + e - not seen showers not muon-poor showers not muon-poor not neutrinos p pp no air showers p pp no air showers
Interaction length of protons in microwave background p + CMB + …. p = ( n CMB ) -1 10 Mpc 10 Mpc p + CMB GZK cutoff
Forthcoming AGASA Results The highest energy cosmic rays do come from point sources: 5 sigma correlation between directions of pairs of particles. Birth of proton astronomy!The highest energy cosmic rays do come from point sources: 5 sigma correlation between directions of pairs of particles. Birth of proton astronomy! Are the highest energy cosmic rays Fe?Are the highest energy cosmic rays Fe? GKZ cutoff at ~ eV ? GKZ cutoff at ~ eV ?
new astrophysics? trouble for top-down scenarios p pp with TeV - gravity unitarity? Particles > eV ? not protons cannot reach us from cosmic accelerators int < 50 Mpc no diffusion in magnetic fields doublets, triplet not photons + B earth e + + e - not seen showers not muon-poor not neutrinos p pp no air showers
10 24 eV = GeV ~ M GUT topological defects (vibrating string, annihilating monopoles) heavy relics? Top. Def. X,Y W, Z quark + leptons >> p top-down spectrum hierarchy p are cosmic rays the decay product of _
radiation enveloping black hole
cosmic ray puzzle protons TeV - rays neutrinos ~ 10 4 km 2 air shower air shower arrays arrays e.g. also atmospheric Cherenkovatmospheric Cherenkov space-basedspace-based short-wavelengthshort-wavelength study of supernova remnants and galaxies ~ 1 km 3 high energy detectors particle physicsparticle physics and cosmology and cosmology dark matter searchdark matter search discoverydiscovery AMANDA / Ice CubeAMANDA / Ice Cube Antares, Nestor, NEMO Hi Res, Auger,Hi Res, Auger,Airwatch, OWL, TA… Veritas, Hess, Magic …Veritas, Hess, Magic … GLAST…GLAST…
Array => Very large effective area (10 5 m 2 ) => 3-dim shower reconstruction => Dramatic improvements in - Energy Resolution - Background Rejection
STACEE Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment Gamma-ray Astrophysics between GeV
e + e W + 6400 TeV
PeV (300m) decays
Why is Searching for ’s from GRBs of Interest? Search for vacuum oscillations ( ):Search for vacuum oscillations ( ): m 2 eV 2 m 2 eV 2 Test weak equivalence principle: 10 -6Test weak equivalence principle: Test : Test : >~ C photon - C C photon - C C C
Lepton - Photon 01 Francis Halzen the sky the sky > 10 GeV photon energy < cm wavelength > 10 8 TeV particles exist > 10 8 TeV particles exist Fly’s Eye/Hires they should not they should not more/better data more/better data arrays of air Cherenkov telescopes 10 4 km 2 air shower arrays ~ km 3 neutrino detectors
TeV sources! cosmic rays //////////////////////////////////