The Blues: Words, Chord Sequence, 12 Bar Blues and The Blues Scale Where Jazz Started JAZZ! Famous Jazz Singers And Singers Syncopation Scat Singing Improvisation
The Blues ♪ The blues are sad. The words are sad too. There is also the twelve bar blues which is made up of ♪ ♫ ♫ C-C-C-C-F-F-C-C-G-F-C-C chords which is also known as the blues chord sequence. The blues scale is C-Eb-F-F#-G-Bb-C
Syncopation is playing off the beat.
Also know as Improv. is where you make up as you go along. Improvisation Also know as Improv. is where you make up as you go along.
Scat Singing is: eg. Bing Bong Sckiddily Bop Swing Scat