Ukes In The Middle! Malinda W. Essex, Ph.D.
“C” Chord G C E A head lap 1 st fret 2nd fret 3rd fret 4 th fret
12 Bar Blues Form
F Chord
G7 Chord
C, f, G7
12 Bar Blues Form
Can’t Buy Me Love
Rock Around the Clock
Why ukes? Easy to learnEasy to learn Easy to differentiateEasy to differentiate Engage studentsEngage students Make the music realMake the music real
Why ukes? Associates sound/action with symbolAssociates sound/action with symbol Relatively inexpensive - for school and studentsRelatively inexpensive - for school and students Portable; Little storage space requiredPortable; Little storage space required Offers a wide range of uses: composing, form, current music, historic music, ensemble & individual playingOffers a wide range of uses: composing, form, current music, historic music, ensemble & individual playing
Purchasing Local Music StoresLocal Music Stores OnlineOnline RecommendationsRecommendations
Fitting Ukes into the curriculum Teaching to play Vs. A Tool For Learning
Getting started Sound Before SymbolSound Before Symbol Create A Need To KnowCreate A Need To Know Chords vs. TabsChords vs. Tabs Blues UnitBlues Unit
Blues Unit Blues FormBlues Form ID through listeningID through listening AAB lyricsAAB lyrics Compose own Blues LyricsCompose own Blues Lyrics Chord ProgressionChord Progression
Blues Unit Play Chord Progression on UkesPlay Chord Progression on Ukes Add one chord at a timeAdd one chord at a time Assess one chord at a time – “Exit Chords”Assess one chord at a time – “Exit Chords”
Blues Unit Incorporate history of BluesIncorporate history of Blues CountryCountry One singer, one instrumentOne singer, one instrument ClassicClassic Female singer, solo instrumentFemale singer, solo instrument ChicagoChicago Electric instrumentsElectric instruments
Blues Unit AssessmentsAssessments Perform 12 Bar Blues ProgressionPerform 12 Bar Blues Progression Accompany own Blues LyricsAccompany own Blues Lyrics Identify Blues stylesIdentify Blues styles Blues BrochureBlues Brochure
Other units Music of the Great Depression & Dust BowlMusic of the Great Depression & Dust Bowl Music That Creates CommunityMusic That Creates Community History of Rock and RollHistory of Rock and Roll Song WritingSong Writing FormForm 32 Bar Song form (AABA)32 Bar Song form (AABA) Sonata-Allegro From (Exposition, Development, Recap)Sonata-Allegro From (Exposition, Development, Recap) Theme & VariationTheme & Variation Musical Conversations: ImprovMusical Conversations: Improv
Where to find music Jeff Burton on YouTubeJeff Burton on YouTube “Ukulele Mike” on YouTube“Ukulele Mike” on YouTube
When to Play Any time there is an appropriate song to chord or tab/pickAny time there is an appropriate song to chord or tab/pick “Jam” Days (Random or Built-In)“Jam” Days (Random or Built-In) HolidaysHolidays Performance opportunitiesPerformance opportunities ConcertsConcerts “Busking”“Busking” Impromptu Uke BreaksImpromptu Uke Breaks
Assessing students Exit ChordExit Chord Exit Chord ProgressionExit Chord Progression PerformancesPerformances Teacher choiceTeacher choice Student choiceStudent choice Student compositionsStudent compositions Small groupsSmall groups