An Observatorium for Science in Society based in Social Models Kick-off meeting SISOB Kick-off Meeting
Fondazione Rosselli / 1 Fondazione Rosselli is an independent and not-for-profit research institute founded in 1988 in Turin, Italy. Mission Promoting basic and applied research activity in the economic, social and political field as an input for public policies at European and national level; Fostering the contribution of all scholars and researchers in social and economic sciences in the framework of a cognitive and interdisciplinary approach through costant feedback process. SISOB Kick-off Meeting2
SISOB Working group / 1 Aldo Geuna Full Professor at the Dept. of Economics, University of Turin Adjunt Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Managment Core expertise: Socio-Economic analysis of University research behaviour and its links to Innovation and Economic growth Cornelia Meissner Post-doc researcher at BRICK, Carlo Alberto and at Fondazione Rosselli PhD in Economics from City University, London, 2010 Main research interest: Economics of Science and Innovation specifically in University – Industry collaboration SISOB Kick-off Meeting3
SISOB Working group / 2 Paula Stephan Professor of Economics, Georgia State University Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research Currently serving on the U.S. Board on Higher Education and Workforce, National Research Council Federica Rossi Post-Doctoral researcher at the University of Turin Research Fellow at the Centre for Innovation Management Research of Birkbeck College Areas of expertise: Industrial economics, Economics of Science and Innovation =64&Itemid=70 SISOB Kick-off Meeting4
SISOB Working group / 3 Raimondo Iemma Research fellow at Fondazione Rosselli, Project manager at COTEC MSc in Management Engineering, Polytechnic of Turin Research ninterests: Ecoomics of Innovation, Information Economics Giovanni De Rosa Knowledge Manager at Fondazione Rosselli Administrative tasks SISOB Kick-off Meeting5