A ST AR Ready for STAAR Leading Forward in Times of Change Houston Independent School District
A 3
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A Our Norms for the Session 5 Interaction Participation Engagement Questioning
A ST AR 6 Let’s begin with the end in mind...
A ST AR How are we feeling about things? 7 JUST a little uneasy?
A ST AR Or perhaps... 8
A ST AR Or maybe... just maybe... 9
A ST AR 10 It’s ALL about learning!
A ST AR 11
A ST AR Today We begin the conversation Next Week You continue the conversation on your campus Year long We will work together Curriculum Alignment Lead4ward Online Tools STAAR Field Guides Teacher Appraisal & Development System Each other PlanResources What is the plan? 12
A ST AR Goals To establish a common language about STAAR To understand the design of the test To understand and be able to define what “standards” are within the STAAR test To understand that the TEKS will be assessed at a higher level of cognitive complexity through STAAR test items To understand the connection between the Teacher Appraisal and Development System and STAAR 13
A ST AR 14 Or do I teach STAAR? Do I teach TAKS?
A ST AR 15 It’s ALL about the TEKS
A ST AR Leverage the new assessment structure to improve learning for students 17
A ST AR Activity In small groups brainstorm answers to the questions: What is learning? How do you know if a student has learned?
A ST AR Keep in mind... we’ve been walking this path for a while 19 TAAS TABS TEAMS TAKS [SDAA/LDAA] TAKS (Acc/M/Alt)
A ST AR 20
A ST AR Activity In small groups complete the sorting activity to determine the types of problems that were used with each of the state tests (TABS, TEAMS, TAAS, TEKS). To do this you must: Work the math problems provided. Match the test with the problem.
A ST AR One Step: 1. Fewest barrels TABS Exit Level Math (1982) 22
A ST AR Two Steps: 1. Find point on graph 2. Multiply 30 pupils x $300 = $9,000 TEAMS Exit Level Math (1986) 23
A ST AR Three Steps: 1. Find paper on pie chart 2. Divide tons of paper by total tons: 72/ Convert to 40% TAAS Exit Level Math (1999) 24
A ST AR Five Steps: 1. Add all votes = 1, Determine which student finished 3 rd (Bridget: 240 votes) 3. Determine Bridget’s %age of votes 240 / 1,200 = 20% 4. Know that a pie chart has 360 total degrees 5. Determine 20% of 360 degrees:.20 x 360 = 72 TAKS Exit Level Math (2002 Field Test) Great STAAR-like question – BUT... it tests 8.12.C – This would be an 8 th grade STAAR question, NOT an exit-level question 25
A ST AR Five Steps: 1. The student must know how to apply the quadratic formula to find the value of the discrimant 2. Find quadratic equation on formula chart: 3. If there are two real number roots of the equation and the graph of the parabola crosses the x-axis at those roots 4. If there is a “multiple” or repeated root of the equation and the vertex of the graph of the parabola touches the x-axis at that root. 5. If the roots of the equation are imaginary numbers and the graph of the parabola does not intersect the x-axis. 26 STAAR Exit Level Math? (2012)
A ST AR 27
A ST AR Will begin in 2011–12 –Grades 3 through 8 –First year 9 th graders and below (Gr. 8, 7, 6, etc.) Will be “significantly more rigorous” than TAKS 28 What do we know about STAAR?
A ST AR Grades 3-8 Reading – Gr. 3-8 Math – Gr. 3-8 Writing – Gr. 4 & 7 Science – Gr. 5 & 8 Soc. Studies – Gr High School COURSES MathEnglishScienceSoc Studies Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Eng I Eng II Eng III Biology Chemistry Physics World Geo. World Hist. U.S. History The high school level STAAR tests are COURSE tests, NOT grade level tests What do we know about STAAR?
A ST AR Grade 3-8 STAAR tests in Reading and Math will be linked (from grade to grade) to performance expectations for – English III STAAR and – Algebra II STAAR 30 What do we know about STAAR?
A ST AR Not a separate test –STAAR will be in Verdana font, larger type, more white space –Accommodations WILL be allowed on STAAR SpEd 504 Dyslexia (Gr. 3 through Eng. III) 31 STAAR Accommodated What do we know about STAAR?
A ST AR STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate Grades 3-8 Reading – Gr. 3-8 Math – Gr. 3-8 Writing – Gr. 4 & 7 Science – Gr. 5 & 8 Soc. Studies – Gr High School COURSES MathEnglishScienceSoc Studies Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Eng I Eng II Eng III Biology Chemistry Physics World Geo. World Hist. U.S. History STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate for all courses required for graduation under Minimum Plan STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate for ALL grades and subjects What do we know about STAAR?
A ST AR STAAR... a few noteworthy items Time limits - NEW – EOCs: 4 hours – Grades 3-8: 4 hours Do we have time limits now? 33
A ST AR STAAR... a few noteworthy items SSI (5 th and 8 th Grade Reading and Math) in – Based on raw scores and classroom performance – STAAR performance standards not set until Fall 2012 Test format – EOCs: Paper and Online – Grades 3-8: Paper Only 34
A ST AR 35 What do we know about STAAR? What about tests for students who are English Language Learners? –Spanish version for Grades 3–5 –Linguistic accommodations for most tests
A ST AR 36 STAAR Performance Categories (02/07/2011) TAKS Commended Performance Met Standard Did Not Meet Standard STAAR Level III: Advanced Academic Performance* Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance (to be phased in) Level I: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance** * Accomplished Academic Performance for STAAR Alternate ** Additional Minimum Score to be applicable to Cumulative Score Requirements for Graduation What do we know about STAAR?
A ST AR Discuss with your shoulder partner What are the implications of these changes for your campus? Discussion
A ST AR 38
A ST AR 39
A ST AR 40 STAAR is an assessment of ACADEMIC READINESS
A ST AR 41 Exploring the vertical alignment of STAAR TAKS Did our students learn what they were supposed to learn in their current grade or course?
A ST AR STAAR Did our students learn what they were supposed to learn in their current grade or course? Are they ready for the next grade or course? And the one after that? 42 Exploring the vertical alignment of STAAR
A ST AR 43 What does it mean to be a teacher of academic readiness? Exploring the vertical alignment of STAAR
A ST AR 6.5A Know that an element is a pure substance represented by chemical symbols A Identify that organic compounds contain carbon and other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, nitrogen or sulfur. Exploring the vertical alignment of STAAR
A ST AR Learning builds between grades Learning DEPENDS on earlier grades Intervention areas are easier to identify Differentiation is predictable TAKS is horizontal is vertical! Exploring the vertical alignment of STAAR 45
A ST AR With your small group, take 3 minutes to share your thoughts on the vertical nature of the STAAR test and its implications for you and your students. Discussion
A ST AR Curriculum Standards (TEKS) –Readiness –Supporting –Process Assessment Standards –Passing Standards or Performance Standards Accountability Standards –Pass Rate Standards 47 Standards, Standards Everywhere Standards
A ST AR 48
A ST AR Readiness Standards ≈30% of eligible TEKS –Are essential for success in the current grade or course –Are important for preparedness for the next grade or course –Support college and career READINESS –Necessitate in-depth instruction –Address broad and deep ideas 49 All standards are not created equal Standards
A ST AR –Although introduced in the current grade or course, they may be emphasized in a subsequent year –Although reinforced in the current grade or course, they may be emphasized in a previous year –They play a role in preparing students for the next grade or course but not a central role –They address more narrowly defined ideas 50 Supporting Standards ≈70% of eligible TEKS Standards
A ST AR Think Academy Awards –Standards in a leading (readiness) role –Standards in a supporting role 51 ALL of the TEKS are important! Standards But in learning (and on STAAR) they play different roles
A ST AR 52 Readiness vs. Supporting Standards Standards
A ST AR Which is Readiness and which is Supporting (Chemistry)? A describe and calculate the relations between volume, pressure, number of moles, and temperature for an ideal gas as described by Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, Avogadro’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, and the ideal gas law B perform stoichiometric calculations, including determination of mass and volume relationships between reactants and products for reactions involving gases 53 R S
A ST AR Example from Science –demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations Tested in isolation and reported as a separate Objective in TAKS On STAAR, will be assessed in context WITH a content standard (either Readiness or Supporting) 54 Process Standards Student expectations that relate to the skills of the content area. Standards
A ST AR Grade 8 STAAR Blueprint
A ST AR Biology EOC Blueprint
A ST AR Chemistry EOC Blueprint
A ST AR Physics EOC Blueprint
A ST AR Griddable Items for STAAR/EOC Assessments The correct answer can be a positive or a negative number. If the answer is a negative number, students must enter a negative sign. If no sign is marked, the answer will default to a positive number. The answer grid includes a floating decimal point. If the answer is a decimal number, students must enter a decimal point. Students must enter their answer in the boxes (paper and online) and then fill in the corresponding bubbles (paper only).
A ST AR Griddable Items for STAAR/EOC Assessments Biology 0 Griddable Items 54 Total Items Chemistry 5 Griddable Items 52 Total Items Physics 5 Griddable Items 50 Total Items
A ST AR Testing Dates Biology May 9th Chemistry May 17th Physics May 14th Testing Dates for Science EOC
A ST AR In your participant guide… What are some unanswered questions you might be having right now about the curriculum standards? Reflection
A ST AR 63
A ST AR Assessing standards at a higher level of cognitive complexity – Higher than many items on TAKS – AT THE LEVEL OF TEKS Assessing more than one SE in an item Multiple steps, concepts and levels 64 Items that are more rigorous Rigor
A ST AR For the student: Each step creates an opportunity for a mistake or misapplication of learning 65 Rigor
A ST AR For the teacher: Each step creates a formative assessment opportunity 66 Rigor
A ST AR 67 So what does this mean for... The way in which we raise the bar with our instruction?
A ST AR Instructional Practice Criteria Planning PL-1Develops student learning goals PL-2Collects, tracks, and uses student data to drive instruction PL-3Designs effective lesson plans, units, and assessments Instruction I-1Facilitates organized, student-centered, objective-driven lessons I-2Checks for student understanding and responds to student misunderstanding I-3Differentiates instruction for student needs by employing a variety of instructional strategies I-4Engages students in work that develops higher-level thinking skills I-5Maximizes instructional time I-6Communicates content and concepts to students I-7Promotes high academic expectations for students I-8Students actively participating in lesson activities I-9Sets and implements discipline management procedures I-10 Builds a positive and respectful classroom environment Activity Which instructional practice criteria are most essential to meeting the increased rigor of STAAR? 68
A ST AR PL-2 Collects, tracks and uses student data to drive instruction PL-3 Designs effective lesson plans, units and assessments I-3 Differentiates instruction for students needs by employing a variety of instructional strategies I-4 Engages students in work that develops higher level thinking skills Activity 69
A ST AR We can do this! TABS to TEAMS to TAAS to TAKS... we have survived (and EXCELLED) before! The challenges are great, but we can succeed Don’t forget the power of encouragement 70
A ST AR 71