Men did not understand who Jesus was. They misunderstood his identity as the Son of God Since understanding is essential to obedience, and obedience is essential to one's salvation (Heb 5:8,9; Jhn 6:44,45) surely we can see the tragedy of misunderstanding Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world
The kingdom (church) of Christ was also misunderstood Acts 1:6 Since the saved are added to the church Acts 2:47, the church and the body are the same Col 1:18 and Christ is the Saviour of the body Eph 5:23; it is then also essential that we understand what the church is and its purpose here on earth
THE MISUNDERSTOOD CHRIST – They thought of Jesus as just Joseph's son like any other man Matt 13:55; Lk 3:23; Jhn 6:42; Isa 7:14; 9:6 – Thought of Christ as one of the prophets - John the baptist, Elias, Jeremiah – His mission was misunderstood Jhn 6:26 Jhn 20:30,31
THE MISUNDERSTOOD CHURCH – As they thought Christ originated with man - so men today think the church originated with man Eph 3:10,11; Psa 127:1; Acts 20:28; Eph 5:25
THE MISUNDERSTOOD CHURCH – As they considered Christ one of many prophets - so today men consider the church one of many Eph 3:11; Matt 16:18; Eph 3:1-6; Col 1:18 – As they considered Christ's mission to be a social one – men today think the same of the mission of the church Matt 20:28; Lk 19:10
MISSION OF CHURCH IS TO SAVE SOULS – The Church is the pillar and ground of the truth 1Tim 3:15 – Since the church is the support of the truth and the truth makes men free Jhn 8:32, it follows that the mission of the church is to save souls
MISSION OF CHURCH IS TO SAVE SOULS – The saving of souls is accomplished by the Lord's church working in three areas: Evangelism, Edification, and Benevolence Eph 4:12
Jesus was a divine being with a divine mission The church is a divine institution with a divine mission Jesus is Saviour of the body the church Eph 5:23 and you are not in this body unless you are saved Acts 2:47