Matthew 16 I. The Concern, I. The Concern, 1-14
Crafty, Pharisees and Sadducees 1. Crafty, 1-4 Pharisees and Sadducees Gentiles could see it, 15:31 His signs mean nothing to P. & S.; why give them more? Their motive: Test (discredit) “He refused…” Deserved signs: 2 K.5 Lk.9:54
He would give sign of Jonah Pentecostals call us sign-seekers Actually sign-testers (Rv.2:2) 1 Co.10, daily miracles (Hb.3) Mt.16:5-12, disciples misunderstood “If the plain sense makes sense, don't look for any other sense, or you will end up w. nonsense”
Common people 2. Confused, Common people Each puts Jesus above common men; would flatter us to join this elite group, but they fell far short Polls cannot determine truth
Modern views of Jesus Michael, archangel (Aid To Bible Und., 1152) Firstborn spirit child; elder brother (Doc. & Cov., 93:21) No more than a messenger of Allah (Quran 4.171) 2% of His sayings are certain (Jesus Seminar) False messiah; illegitimate son (Jews) Teacher, good man, a way to heaven…
Changeable, Peter: 3. Changeable, 15-17…21-23 Peter: most dangerous of all Peter’s Confession, Peter’s Confession, If Peter is the rock, should have told… Others, 18:1, 18 Paul, Ga.2:11-14 Peter, 1 Pt.2:5-9 Even if built on Peter, text does not mention any successors
Changeable, Peter: 3. Changeable, 15-17…21-23 Peter: most dangerous of all Peter’s Confession, Peter’s Correction, 21, from figurative to literal 22, emphatic rebuke of Lord’s unorthodoxy. V.20
23: w/o cross, whole world lost Contrasts: Peter confesses, 16Peter rebukes, 22 Lord blesses, 17Lord rebukes, 23 Peter confesses “of” God, 17 Peter rebukes “of” satan, Peter confesses: rock to build on, 18 Peter rebukes: rock to stumble on, 23
I. The Concern, 1-14 II. The Church, II. The Church, 18-19
Church: built on truth, 18 Truth is Narrow 1. Narrow (13-14: can’t all be true) 2. Exclusive 2. Exclusive (17): Jn.14:6 3. Revealed 3. Revealed (17): man’s wisdom could not figure it out 4. Knowable 4. Knowable (17): Peter, son of Jonah (17); Jesus, Son of God (16)
Church: built on truth, 18 Church: built to triumph, 18 Hades is strong; dead people stay there But nothing in this world or the next can overthrow the church. Ac.2:24, 27
Church: built on truth, 18 Church: built to triumph, 18 Church: built to teach, 19 Key: opens or closes (Lk.11:52) “…but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” – 1 Tim.3:15 Supports; holds aloftFoundation: steadies Church’s foundation: truth, Mt.16:18 Church’s mission: truth, 1 T.3:15
I. The Concern, 1-14 III. The Commitment, III. The Commitment, II. The Church, 18-19
Desire. Ps.42:1-2 Discipline (deny self). Ph.2:5-8 Death to self (cross). Demanding Devotion (follow). Loyalty, commitment Decision (life or death) 25. Lk.12:20-21 Destiny, 26. Lk.16 Deeds, 27 Dominion, 28