CHURCH ‘Kick The Church’ 1 Timothy 3:14-16 CHURCH.


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Presentation transcript:

CHURCH ‘Kick The Church’ 1 Timothy 3:14-16 CHURCH

I. 1 Timothy Context Ephesus Paul at Ephesus Paul after leaving Ephesus 1 Timothy

II. 1 Timothy 3:14-16 Explanation 14 Expectation 15a Perceptions 15b –H–Household of God –C–Church of the living God –P–Pillar and foundation of the truth Summation 16

III. Our Church As The Pillar And Ground of The Truth 1.You may be the only glimpse of the church people see. Do they see the truth? 2.Our culture is abandoning the truth, there is a great need for you to be a pillar of the truth. 3.Church is not a game. Don’t play ‘kick the church’. 4.Develop a high view of the local church, so that when you hear the word ‘church’ you think … 5.Churches that do not hold to the truth of God’s word are false churches.