Analysis Specific Funds 2012
Budget and income by Specific Fund 2012
1.- Source of funds
Contributions by type of donor 64,402,121
Contributions by Permanent Observers
Contributions by International Organizations 3,997,576
2.- Purpose of funds
Specific Funds by Pillar
Specific Funds by Pillar and Program
10 major projects financed by Specific Funds 32% of the total funds executed by specific funds in 2012 is only 2% of the total projects carried out by the OAS during the period. No. PROGRAMPROJECTAMOUNTDONORS 1 Dept. Sust. Democracy and S.M.POA 2012 MAPP·OAS Basket Fund5,396, Dept. Effective Public ManagementComp. Modern. Civil Reg2,953, CICTEPort Security2,626, Dept. Pub. SecurityAICMA/Mine Action Program-Colombia2,176, Dept. Sust. Democracy and S.M.Support for the Peace Process in Colombia1,646, Dept. Sustainable Dev.Sustainable Management of La Plata Basin1,255, Dept. Sustainable Dev.Satellite System Development Program1,087, Dept. Pub. SecurityDemining Assist. Progr. EC/PE RG-ECUAD 1,061, Dept. Sustainable Dev.Improving Urban Environment Brazil Dept. Sust. Democracy and S.M. Strengthening Freedom of Expression in the Americas ,971,654 TOTAL
Sustainable Development Projects Comments: 30 of the 34 projects have only 1 donor 50% of the funds is concentrated on 3 projects 50% of the projects are for less than $50,000 a year NoDONORPROJECTAMOUNTNoDONORPROJECTAMOUNT 1 United NationsSustainable Management La Plata Basin1,255, Canada/CIDACapacity to Build Sustainable Use62,339 2 Argentina/CONAE Satellite System Development Program 1,087, United NationsCaribbean Solar Funding Project49,104 3 BrazilImproving Urban Environment Brazil902, FinlandPay for Environment48,516 4 USA/USDSProject for Electrical Interconnection System for Caribbean454, USA/USDSApoyando (U.S.-Peru TPA)32,670 5 EECSustainable Energy Sector in the Caribbean 428, Argentina/CONAEAdministrative Costs (PROSAT/Phase II)21,525 6 United NationsSustainable Forest Management - Gran Chaco286, USA/USOASNeed for Evaluation of Red Risk Disasters18,384 7 USA/USOASClimate Energy Project (Phase II)232, HondurasGolf of Honduras15,977 8 EUA/USOEAEnergy and climate association210, IBRDProject to Create Biodiversity Information Network15,070 9 EUA/USDSECPA Efficient Energy Mexico205, PAHORío Negro Basin Honduras-Nicaragua12, South AmericaStrategic Amazon Action148, USA/USDSSupport for Evaluation of CAFTA-DR work11, ArgentinaWhite Helmets IDB126, ChinaPublication of book on water resource management7, EUA/USDSStrategic Planning Tracks85, ArgentinaRed Climate Risk in the Caribbean6, United NationsRio Bravo Logical Framework82, ChinaSustainable Development in the Caribbean6, EUA/USOEASustainable Communities in Central America and Caribbean81, OAS SEDIIntegrated Management/Sustainable Aquifers REEEPREEEP Latin America/Caribbean74, FinlandProtection & Sustainable Use of Meso-American Aquifer295 USA/USDSU.S./Brazil Biofuels agreement428,397 USA/USOASU.S./Brazil Biofuels agreement7,311 USA/USDINWestern Hemisphere/WHMSI47,054 MonacoWestern Hemisphere/WHMSI5,760 USA/USDSPublic Participation in Sustainable Development221,754 ChinaPublic Participation in Sustainable Development963 MonacoReefFix778 MexicoReefFix21,
Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions Projects Comments: There are 5 different funds to finance Belize- Guatemala conflict mediation
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Projects
Comments: The average funds is $111,500 per project 62% of the projects have only 1 donor and attract 30% of the funds NoDONORPROJECTAMOUNTNoDONORPROJECTAMOUNT Argentina14,400France8,108 Denmark6,664Costa Rica4,842 USA/USOAS5,534Various175 Italy15 Ireland57,388 Mexico9, IWGIASupport for Rapporteurship Indigenous Rights63, SpainCapacity IACHR Phase II74,207 France47, FinlandHR Protection Defenders53,449 Mexico42, ArgentinaRight to the Truth8,092 SCS33, SpainPreventive Detention in the Americas67,605 Netherlands30, Canada/CIDAStrength. Protection/Prom of Capacity of IACHR/IIHR110,959 Ireland23, ItalyStrengthening of IACHR Case System314 Argentina1, FinlandJust. Women Victims of Sexual Violence9, United NationsJustice for women victims of sexual violence4,192 USA/USOAS66, SpainPrinciples Persons Deprived of Liberty66,754 Mexico17, USA/USOASProgram Women63,441 Netherlands10, USA/USOASProgram People of African Descent66,069 Chile10, USA/USOASProgram 3 – Country Monitoring89,682 Denmark6, MexicoProgram Migrants26, FranceProgram 5 – Freedom of Expression49,422 Azerbaijan4, NetherlandsProgram 7 – Public Information59,367 Argentina3, EECProm. ethical rights in LA454,544 Mexico2, ItaliaProm. Human Rights in the Andean Countries779 Colombia1, FranceProtection of H.R. in Haiti ( )7,098 Brazil ColombiaRapporteur on People of African Descent19 Greece35 36 LuxemburgRapporteur on Children’s Rights7,433 Various5 37 FinlandSpecial Rapporteur on Women6, SpainRep. Migrant Workers and their Families56, ItalySupport for IACHR in Colombia53 40 DenmarkStrength Access Justice in Americas9,747 4,446,264TOTAL 15Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression Program 4 – 4.7 Persons Deprived of Liberty Program 4 – Thematic Areas Program 6 – Other Activities Program 8 – Development Promote and Protect Human Rights
CICAD Projects NoPROJECTDONORAMOUNTNoPROJECTDONORAMOUNT USA/USINL74,548Mexico140,948 France9,799EUA/USINL85,430 Chile34,799 USA/USINL74,669France 19,966 Trin.& Tob2,513Argentina9,448 Greece7,600 USA/USINL170,368Dom. Rep.4,807 El Salvador38,785Suriname115 Dom. Rep.28,184Uruguay1 France26, USA/USINL210,981 USA/USINL141,576Trin.& Tob50 Canada/CA DFAIT30, Canada223,860 Canada/CA DFAIT772,153USA/USINL22,515 USA/USINL64, Canada/CA DFAIT188,346 Canada110,183USA/USINL29,361 USA/USINL61, USA/USINL107,431 USA/USINL64,391Mexico328 Mexico5,174 USA/USINL77,716USA/USINL187,543 Mexico12,935IDB7,200 USA/USINL156,878USA/USINL95,878 Canada/CA DFAIT143,264France15,022 Greece9,243 Money Laundering Experts Group General Fund9 Strengthening National Drug Commissions University Grad. Res. Part. Program Pharmaceuticals Experts Group Money Laundering-Judicial Training LEDA Customs/Maritime Cooperation Technical and Administrative Support for Observations Forfeited Assets Latin America Control and Interdiction Intelligence Drug Treatment Court Organized Crime/Supply Reduction School of Education in Latin America Drug Prevention Training and Certification
CICAD Projects
Funds executed in 2012 by source of funding