The Impact if the Internet Unit 3_2
E-Commerce - Requirements Trained staff Electronic catalogue Search facility Secure payment methods Database of customer orders (EDI)
File Transfer Protocol Compacts data into packets Errors are checked Message is sent that its OK Computer programs Web pages Music
E-Commerce Advantages to Industry No need for high street presence saving costs From personnel and shop. Much wider audience Just in time delivery Storage of customers’ details is a valuable marketing tool.
E-Commerce Advantages to customer Allows 24/7 access Shop from anywhere I world from home No need to leave home Can have good delivered (to a friend) Specialist items easier to source Goods are often cheaper Comparison is easy
E-Commerce Disadvantages to customer Fraud You can’t feel or see the goods May have to wait for delivery Substitutes can be made
How to Access Information Use the URL Use hyperlinks Use a search engine
Search Engines Web Crawlers Database Key Words Most relevant connection Most popular site Most authoritative site Pay for sponsored link
Search Engines And OR NOT Exact match Quotation
Search Engines Relevance Reliability Accuracy Bias Precise Appropriate for audience
Distributed Computing Linking lots of less powerful computers together to replicate the power of a super computer. Reduces cost Computers can be anywhere Improved performance Security
Distributed Computing SETI The search for extra terrestrial intelligence uses huge amounts of power, but linked domestic computers can do the same job
Connecting to the Internet Cable access Dialup Broadband Mobile
Moral Issues Deliberately misleading people Bullying Inappropriate websites Spreading rumours
Ethical Issues Plagiarism Spam Big Brother Using someone else’s connection Distorting reality – the photoshop effect
Social issues Privacy Gambling addiction Obesity Addiction to games Disenfranchisement Call centres moving abroad Closing shops
Ownership and control Who is in control? Offensive moi? Censorship Communities coming together People drifting apart