Quick Mutual Fund Analysis & Market Alerts An Educational Service for those with 401Ks, IRAs, College Savings Accounts, and Mutual Fund Investments
Disclaimer The Mutual Fund Analysis Educational Service is purely for educational purposes. The Mutual Fund Analysis Educational Service and all associated with it are not acting as licensed financial advisors, registered broker dealers, investment advisors or tax advisors. We strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional for all your financial advice. The Mutual Fund Analysis Educational Service and all associate with it adamantly state that nothing in this communication constitutes a solicitation, promotion, endorsement, offer or recommendation to buy or sell any investment, mutual fund, debt instrument, commodity, or security as described herein. The Mutual Fund Analysis Educational Service and all associated with it are acting SOLELY in an educational capacity; this is NOT personalized advice timed to any specific market event and the educational trade alert may be delayed from the time it is sent to the time it is received by the subscriber. These services are provided for informational and educational purposes only, and no mention of a particular security constitutes a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold that or any other security, or that any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. To the extent any of the information provided may be deemed to be investment advice, it is impersonal and not tailored to the individual investment needs of any specific person.
If you lost 50% in the Market in year 1, then grew 50% in year 2, your investments would be even because your average annual yield is 0%. –Year 1 $10,000 + [(-50%) x ($10,000)] = $5,000 –Year 2 $5,000 + [(50%) x ($5,000)] = $7,500 Wall Street Math The average annual yield means absolutely nothing. It’s simply a form of misdirection.
S&P 500 Performance
“Buy & Hold” Wall Street’s Big Lie * S&P 500
The Goal –Maximize return on investment Introducing the “Market Signal” –Avoid downward market participation (to preserve capital) –Capture the majority of the upward trend (and lock in profits) Performance Record Since 2005* –Buy & Hold = -4% –Protect & Grow = +119% No More “Buy and Hold” * As of 12/31/2010
The Approach –Monitor every mutual fund in the United States 23,000+ mutual funds –Analyze each fund’s performance versus the Market and versus each other using seasonal, fundamental, technical and statistical information High Frequency Trading –Minimize and leverage the impact of High Frequency Traders –Anticipate market trends based on an understanding of how traders are likely to respond to market conditions Not Day Trading –Only 1 to 4 entry/exit signals per year Not Really “Timing the Market”
Example – 401k Choices
American Airlines
401k Mutual Fund Growth
Analyze every mutual fund choice within your 401k. –Produce detail report which compares and rates the performance of each of your mutual fund choices. Analyze mutual funds outside your 401k that are of interest to you. Provide the Market Signal which alerts you to bull, bear and/or flat signals: – and text What Does This Educational Service Include?
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