Analysis of the 4th Quarterly Report for 2014 Financial information Regular Fund and specific funds
1.- Budget Execution of the Regular Fund by program and subprogram
Regular Fund budget execution as of 12/31/2014
Regular Fund budget execution as of 12/31/2014, by item of expense Chapter 3.- Principal and Specialized Bodies CHAPTER 3 PERSONNELNON-PERSONNELTOTALVARIATION APPROVEDEXECUTEDAPPROVEDEXECUTEDAPPROVEDEXECUTEDPERSONNELNON-PERSONNEL I/A Ct. H.R.0.0 2,661.12,634.52,661.12, IACHR4,372.53, ,345.34, CIM1,131.91, ,355.41, IIN ,030.31, CJI TOTAL $ 36,318.95,675.24,379.34, , ,
Regular Fund budget execution as of 12/31/2014, by item of expense Chapter 6.- Secretariat for Multidimensional Security
Regular Fund budget execution as of 12/31/2014, by item of expense Chapter 8.- Executive Secretariat for Integral Development CHAPTER 8 PERSONNELNON-PERSONNELTOTALVARIATION APPROVEDEXECUTEDAPPROVEDEXECUTEDAPPROVEDEXECUTEDPERSONNELNON-PERSONNEL Secretariat for Integral Development , Administrative Support, SMS Economic and Social Development2,350.22, ,826.22, Sustainable Development1,417.21, ,500.51, Human Development, Education and Employment 2,041.61,738.25,274.04,647.77,315.66, Ministerial Meetings CITEL CIP CITEL Meetings CIDI meetings TOTAL CHAPTER 87,495.16,980.46,532.45, , ,
Regular Fund budget execution as of 12/31/2014, by item of expense Chapter 11.- Infrastructure and Overhead CHAPTER 11 PERSONNELNON-PERSONNELTOTALVARIATION APPROVEDEXECUTEDAPPROVEDEXECUTEDAPPROVEDEXECUTEDPERSONNELNON-PERSONNEL OAS local network , , Office Equipment & Supplies ERP/OASES Building Mngt. and Maintenance0.0 1,034.81,774.41,034.81, General Insurance Post Audits Recruitment & Transfers Terminations and Repatriations , , Home Leave Education Subsidy Pension for retired executives0.0 3,706.63,572.13,706.63, HR Development Contribution to Staff Association Contribution to AROAS Reserve Subfund OAS-IPSAS Building Maintenance - Cleaning0.0 1,571.61,593.11,571.61, Building Maintenance - Security Telecommunication Infrastructure Building Maintenance - Services0.0 1,202.71,373.81,202.71, TOTAL CHAPTER , , , , ,509.7
Comparison of 2013 and 2014 Regular Fund budget execution, by program
2.- Specific funds As of 12/31/2014
2.1 Income by Specific Fund As of 12/31/2014
Specific funds income from 1/1 to 12/31/2014, by type of donor 57,571,864
Specific funds income from 1/1 to 12/31/2014, by pillar 57,571,864
Specific funds income from 1/1 to 12/31/2014, by pillar and type of donor 57,571,864
2.2.- Specific funds expenses As of 12/31/2014
Costs incurred in specific funds from 1/1 to 12/31/2014, by type of donor 58,665,595
Costs incurred in specific funds from 1/1 to 12/31/2014, by pillar 58,665,595
Costs incurred in specific funds from 1/1 to 12/31/2014, by pillar and type of donor
Complementarity of expenses: Regular Fund – specific funds by pillar
2014 expense structure, by pillar (all funds)
2014 expense structure, by pillar (percentage by type of fund)
2014 expense structure, by pillar and type of fund (amounts) Sustantive Pillars Support Pillars
2014 expense structure, by pillar and type of fund (percentages)