Unaudited Actuals FY September 8, 2015 Anna Pimentel Director, Fiscal Services Jamie Metcalf Asst. in Training – Director, Fiscal Services Ken Forrest Chief Business Officer 1
45 Day Revised Estimates vs Unaudited Actuals 2 General Fund Revenue
Unaudited Actuals 3 General Fund Revenue
45 Day Revised Estimates vs Unaudited Actuals 4 General Fund Expenditures
Unaudited Actuals 5
Ending Fund Balance Analysis 6
Other Funds Ending Comments 8 The Cafeteria Fund experienced a significant loss with expenditures in excess of revenue by $121, Classroom compensation which is required to be at least 55% ended the year with 58.29%. The Unaudited Actuals contain no surprises. The numbers provide additional insight into challenges with our existing software and our ability to ensure timely management reports.
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