COL Mark D. Rosengard SOJ3 COMSOCEUR’s STRATEGIC VISION A Theater Perspective on Coalition Warfare SOCEUR COL Mark D. Rosengard SOJ3
Setting Regional Conditions for the GWOT… What can (should) be done: In coordination with “Find / Fix / Finish” effort, and… … before we swing the “Golden Hammer” Fight globally, but PREVENT regionally Requires willing and capable friends… … synergistic effort … a Coalition Just Like SOF – capable coalitions cannot be created overnight !! Our two operational imperatives (i.e. do two-three things very, very well): 1) Make Trans-Sahara Africa the main effort. Create synergy utilizing all SOF enablers. Focus forces, money, and resources. 2) Get our Coalition Partners involved in defending their homelands beyond their borders. For our coalition partners in Europe, stability in Africa is a matter of national security at home. Segue for focusing on PREVENTION rather than pre-emption for achieving our strategic goal of reducing network structire and sanctuary.
Strategic Guidance “The SOF Lens” 7501 / 7520 AQ EXORD NMSP-WOT NMS GUIDANCE 1. Theater Campaign Plan for WOT 2. Theater Security Cooperation Strategy 3. EUCOM Support to Emergent Operations PRIORITIES Strategic Guidance “The SOF Lens” SOCEUR’s Supporting Operational Strategy DELIBERATE ENGAGEMENT Key Tasks: Find – Capture or Kill – Neutralize Our Strategic Guidance comes from a multitude of sources: SECDEF, JCS, SOCOM, EUCOM. We view this guidance through the SOF lens to derive our consolidated Theater Supporting Strategy. As for Coalition Warfare: EUCOM directs SOCEUR to: … develop and maintain a flexible, enduring WOT Coalition, as well as regional, operationally-focused partnerships to support specific WOT operations … and, develop an operational reach that enables the ability to detect, exploit, deter, seize, defeat, or destroy targets throughout the AOR… We will accomplish this through two lines of operation: The Unconventional Warfare line of operation (the main effort) is an indirect approach to achieving the strategic goal by conducting a broad spectrum of military and paramilitary operations of longer duration, predominantly conducted through, with, or by indigenous and/or surrogate forces. The Deliberate Engagement line of operation is a direct approach to achieving the strategic goal primarily through the time sensitive planning and targeting process to conduct short-duration strikes against terrorist targets or networks, crisis response to humanitarian disasters, or NEOs to protect U.S. citizens and interests. ) Key Tasks: Main Effort: (S) Enable other countries to effectively combat terrorists in their region. (S) Improve partner nation capabilities to support WOT-related coalition operations. (S) Deny safe havens to terrorists in the EUCOM AOR. (S) Assure Access throughout the AOR for basing and logistics to support operations. Supporting Effort (S) Find Al-Qaeda and other terrorists, their networks, and potential safe havens. (S) Capture or kill known terrorists in the EUCOM AOR. (S) Neutralize known terrorist networks operating in the EUCOM AOR. UNCONVENTIONAL WARFARE Key Tasks: Enable – Improve – Deny – Access END STATE: REDUCED TERRORIST NETWORK, RESOURCES, AND SANCTUARY Build Battalions Joint Air-Ground- Maritime Regional Capability Expand Zone of Influence INCREASE FREQUENCY IMPROVE CAPABILITY CULTIVATE INTEROPERABILITY
SOCEUR’s Theater Strategy (Nested in EUCOM’s WOT Campaign) GWOT INTEREST PARTNERS CENTCOM AOR Operational Framework Sub-regional Efforts Coalition Partners Simultaneous Supporting Efforts Gulf of Guinea Eastern Africa Trans- Sahara Sequential Main Effort By arranging operations sequentially beginning with Trans-Sahara Africa as the main effort, SOCEUR will sequence cycles to drive the terrorist threat south and east, away from the continent of Europe, displacing terrorist networks from their indigenous habitat while isolating terrorist operations in the Arabian Gulf Region from expanding westward into the EUCOM AOR. The elimination of trans-national terrorist organizations and a progressive elimination of conditions conducive to terrorist infrastructure and activities. Trans-national terrorists will be forced to coordinate new lines of operation through the denial of existing havens, lines of communication, sources of support, and the pacification of terrorist sympathies within the region exposing themselves to detection and exploitation. Partner Nations exercise sovereignty over previously undergoverned spaces with minimal outside support. SOCEUR transfers responsibility for existing safe havens to allies while refocusing on emerging threat regions. Africa Statistics Length: ~ 5000 mi Width: ~ 4700 mi Coast line: 18,976 mi Area: 11,608,000 sq mi Highest point: 19,341 ft Population: 807,419,000 Current Main Effort Sequential Supporting Effort Cycle Simultaneous Efforts
Coalition Warfare Influence Spheres of Time (Generational) Achieving Desired Effect - By, With, and Through Intrinsic and Extrinsic Capability Geographical Leverage Points Main Effort Sequential Supporting Effort Cycle Simultaneous Supporting Efforts 1. Trans-Sahara 2. Gulf of Guinea 3. Eastern Africa Coalition Partners Reducing U.S. Footprint While… Maintaining Presence And... Expanding Influence U.S Forces Extrinsic Extrinsic Time (Generational) Intrinsic Intrinsic U.S Forces Arranging Operations: The ripple effect. Concentrating SOCEUR forces by applying pressure on the five geographical leverage points over time will expand the spheres of influence of our partner nations, enhancing regional sovereignty. This expansion will consequently force terror networks to develop new methods of operation in less contested areas. The expanding spheres of influence of our regional partners will allow the reduction of the U.S. forces footprint while maintaining U.S. presence and commitment and expanding U.S. influence in the EUCOM AOR. By developing extrinsic partner relationships with our regional, intrinsic partners early in this process, USEUCOM will be positioned to continue influencing training, advice, and assistance as U.S. SOF pursue retreating terror networks through subsequent focus areas. Influence Spheres of Increasing Effort Expanding Influence
Lines of Operation Center of Gravity: TERRORIST FREEDOM OF ACTION Set conditions to attack Critical Vulnerabilities Center of Gravity: Maneuver (Main Effort) Build Units Develop joint capability Develop Regional Capability Expand Zone of Influence Deny LOCs Information Operations TERRORIST FREEDOM OF ACTION Promote regional capability Discrediting Islamic extremism End State Improve Host Nation legitimacy Deny Sources of Support Environmental Change Civil Military Operations IN Shape, Key areas for Civic Action Unity of interagency effort Develop HN CMO Capability Deny Sanctuary UNCONTROLLED SPACES Intel Collection With the adversary Critical Vulnerabilities, we must set conditions to attack these vulnerabilities. We arrange and sequence decisive points in time and space to set conditions that attack critical vulnerabilities of the adversary center of gravity in order to achieve the strategic goal. By attacking critical vulnerabilities in our adversary’s center of gravity, we force our adversary to culminate. Our end state is how we envision our posture in the Trans-Sahara geographical leverage point once we achieve success. PIR/ Collection Plans Intel Assets Intel Sharing Operational Reach Pacify Population of Terrorist Sympathies Develop HN Gov’t Infrastructure Coordinate Fuels Initiative Improve APODS Develop intra-regional log spt. Decisive Points
PAN-SAHEL INITIATIVE . INTRINSIC FORCES Terrorist Area Mauritania Mali Safe haven for extremists; borders are unable to be regulated or patrolled due to enormous size Terrorist organizations operate throughout the Sahel . 1/10th Special Forces Group teaches mounted infantry tactics to soldiers from the Malian Army in Timbuktu, Mali Terrorist Area Mauritania Nouakchott Mali Chad Niger The Pan Sahel Initiative (PSI) is a U.S. State Department funded program in the northern African countries of Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Chad designed to enhance border capabilities throughout the region against arms smuggling, drug trafficking, and the movement of trans-national terrorists. U.S. Army Special Forces, assigned to Special Operations Command Europe, are training selected military units in Mali and Mauritania on mobility, communications, land navigation, and small unit tactics. Bamako Niamey N'Djamena Interiors are too large to enforce laws 1/10th Special Forces Group teaches mounted infantry tactics to soldiers from the Malian Army in Nouakchott, Mauritania
Enabling SOF Partners Initiative EXTRINSIC FORCES Seeks to expand upon traditionally bilateral activities Matches strengths from one, with requirements elsewhere in the coalition Intent is to Increase: Regional Capabilities to accomplish mutual objectives Interoperability among SOF capable nations Participation in WOT Potential Future Activities: Flintlock - TSCTI Mediterranean Trans-Caucasus Gulf of Guinea Out of AOR ?? ESPI Partners Considering ESPI ESPI Recipients
PREVENTION, before Pre-emption: Way Ahead… PREVENTION, before Pre-emption: (SOCEUR’s Operational Imperatives) Get ahead of the enemy in potential sanctuaries… Develop and maintain strong links with coalition partners… “To wait for terrorist threats to become clear and present is to leave the nation vulnerable to terrorist attacks.” - John Lewis Gaddis Our two operational imperatives (i.e. do two-three things very, very well): 1) Make Trans-Sahara Africa the main effort. Create synergy utilizing all SOF enablers. Focus forces, money, and resources. 2) Get our Coalition Partners involved in defending their homelands beyond their borders. For our coalition partners in Europe, stability in Africa is a matter of national security at home. Segue for focusing on PREVENTION rather than pre-emption for achieving our strategic goal of reducing network structire and sanctuary.
COL Mark D. Rosengard SOJ3 COMSOCEUR’s STRATEGIC VISION A Theater Perspectives on Coalition Warfare SOCEUR COL Mark D. Rosengard SOJ3