Cambodia, Laos, the Paris Peace Accords, and the Fall of Saigon
How would American people respond to a newly elected President promising peace and an end to the war, and then attacking Iran?
Do you believe the government should be allowed to keep military documents classified therefore withholding information from the American public? SWBAT evaluate to what extent Nixon was able to carry out his promise of Peace with Honor.
Leaked in 1971 by Daniel Ellsberg. Incriminating for a series of Presidents. CIA encouraged overthrow of Diem President Johnson drafted Tonkin Resolution before the incident and began sending Marines into Vietnam while telling Americans he had no long-range plans in Vietnam What else could be leaked?
Set off a new series of anti- war protests. Nixon – ‘I want to know who is behind this…I want it done, whatever the costs.’ WH unit created to investigate Ellsberg. Break into Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office
Nixon – restore “law and order” in the cities, against busing for desegregation, trying to appeal to white Southern Republicans. Humphrey – promised to continue LBJ’s Great Society and War on Poverty
Humphrey tried to distance himself from Johnson’s war policies. (Democrat)
“Peace with Honor” End the War in Vietnam honorably. This included invading Laos and Cambodia. Why? Because North Vietnamese and Viet Cong had command posts there, and it was a vital supply line linking North and South Vietnam.
Summarize each of the documents and determine if it supports Nixon’s promise of “Peace with Honor.”
You will be creating a booklet on Nixon’s Vietnam.
What was the purpose of Nixon’s Vietnamization program? Why was Nixon’s invasion of Cambodia and Laos so controversial? What did the Pentagon papers expose? What was the result of the Paris Peace conference?
What is the message of this cartoon? SWBAT explain how the War Powers Act limits the power of the President. SWBAT explain the events leading up to the end of the Vietnam War.
I. Describe each of the following President’s involvements in the Vietnam War. Eisenhower: Kennedy: Johnson: Nixon: II. Use your notes to review the following: Ho Chi Minh/ North Vietnamese Viet Cong Fighting Tactics of U.S. and Viet Cong Counterculture Movement Tet Offensive Operation Rolling Thunder The Draft Influence of the Television U.S. Soldier’s Experience Nixon’s Policies: Invasion of Laos and Cambodia; Vietnamization Paris Peace Accords War Powers Act, 1973 How the War in Vietnam Ended III. Study all worksheets and notes from the Vietnam unit.
May 3, 1971—The Nixon administration ordered the arrest of nearly 13,000 anti-war protesters calling themselves the Mayday Tribe who had begun four days of demonstrations in Washington, D.C. on the first. They aimed to shut down the nation's capital by disrupting morning rush-hour traffic and other forms of nonviolent direct action, skirmishing with metropolitan police and Federal troops throughout large areas of the capital. The slogan of the Mayday tribe: "If the government won't stop the [Vietnam] war, we'll stop the government
Kent State Facts 1. Nixon had announced widening of Vietnam War previous day
2. Students on campus gathered to protest 3. National Guard was called in to control crowds
4. National Guard opened fire on students
Students running as/after shots fired
5. 4 students were killed, 9 injured
4 killed, 9 injured (1 paralyzed)
Jackson State Shootings May 14-15, 1970 A group of student protesters were confronted by city and state police. The police opened fire, killing two students and injuring twelve. This happened 10 days after the Kent State shootings.
New York University
Nixon’s plan to have Vietnamese replace U.S. soldiers. He believed this program would have limited success. As a result, Nixon proceeded by having peace talks with North Vietnam. Le Duc Tho (North Vietnamese advisor) and Henry Kissinger (National Security Advisor/Secretary of State) attend the Paris Peace Conference in They were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts.
Jan. 13 – Nixon announces withdrawl of 70,000 troops. Jan. 25 – Nixon reveals Kissinger is in secret negotiations with the North Vietnamese. April 15 – Nixon orders resumption of bombing of the North Oct 8 – Kissinger and Le Duc Tho (N.V.) achieve a breakthrough in peace negotiations..peace is “within reach” Nov. 7 – Nixon reelected in landslide victory. Peace talks break down. Dec. 18 – US resumes bombing raids of North
Jan – Kissinger resumes talks with the North – cease fire agreement officially announced. March 29 – last American ground troops leave Vietnam April 1 – All U.S. POWs in Hanoi are released Aug 14- US officially ends bombing of Cambodia Oct 23 – Kissinger and Tho awarded Nobel Peace Prize – Tho rejects his as fighting continues in Vietnam. Nov. 7 – Congress approves War Powers Act over President’s veto
We never declared war on Vietnam. The President (as Commander in Chief) simply declared a National Emergency, and sent troops. (Gulf of Tonkin Resolution!) Many believed this gave the President too much power. So, Congress created the War Powers Act.
The President may send troops into a conflict…BUT Congress must be notified within 48 hours. But, the President must get approval from Congress within 60 days after troops are deployed. Congress can demand to withdrawal troops at any time.
The U.S. would withdraw all its forces from South Vietnam within 60 days All prisoners of war would be released All parties ot the agreement would end military activities in Laos and Cambodia The 17 th parallel would continue to divide North and South Vietnam until the country could be divided.
Jan - S.V. President Thieu announces war has begun again. Communists build up troops and supplies in the South. Aug 9 – Nixon resigns and is replaced by Ford. In an offensive that lasts six months, combined Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces overrun South Vietnam and Cambodia. April 13 – US evacuates Cambodia April 17 - Cambodia falls to communism Apr 25 – High-ranking S.V. officials evacuate Saigon Apr 29 – The last Americans are evacuated from Saigon. On the following day Communist forces take Saigon.
Fall of Saigon: April 30, 1975 North Vietnamese tanks roll through Saigon
The last helicopter departs the U.S. Embassy.
Many Vietnamese handed their children over to Americans.
Constitutional Powers: Legislative Branch Pathway’s pp What are Congress’ powers pertaining to war? Executive Branch Pathway’s p. 75 What are the President’s constitutional powers pertaining to war? Is this constitutional? Presidents always say- NO. What do you think?
What occurred during the Fall of Saigon? Was it a “noble” end to the Vietnam War? What is the War Powers Act of 1973 designed to prevent? Is the War Powers Act constitutional? What is the legacy of the Vietnam War?