Becoming an Effective Teacher What does effective teaching mean?
Effective Teaching Effective teaching – teaching that maximizes learning for all students ▫It’s the essence of being a professional Sounds simple – IT IS NOT Requires: ▫Hard work ▫Careful planning ▫Sophisticated skills
How would you describe your “best” class – remember – best is not favorite –
Student Motivation and Effective Teaching Motivation – the energizing force behind all forms of learning ▫Extrinsic motivation – receive an incentive ▫Intrinsic motivation – self motivated ▫Powerful influence – student achievement Both types can exist at the same time
Motivated Students Study & learn more Participate more in classroom learning activities Have more positive attitudes toward school & work harder Persist on difficult tasks and cause fewer management problems
Motivation: Increasing Students’ Interest You can do a great deal as a teacher Quickly learn names Get to know your students Create learning experiences that are challenging Can reward effort and grade fairly Attracting & Focusing Students’ Attention Personalizing Content through Real World Application Involving Students – the extent to which students are actively participating in a learning activity (questioning & group work)
Planning for Effective Teaching Planning – Important ▫It makes us more effective as teachers Effective teaching doesn’t just happen ▫Good planning help relieve the anxiety that inevitably comes with our initial teaching efforts You will still be nervous, but planning does help ease your nerves
Planning for Effective Teaching Good teaching begins with planning Decisions, decisions, decisions ▫Select topics What is important ▫Standards ▫Specify Learning Objectives (Targets) What you want students to know or be able to do Bloom’s Taxonomy
Planning for Effective Teaching Prepare and Organize Learning Activities ▫Creating/finding high quality examples or problems to illustrate the topic ▫Sequencing the examples to be the most meaningful to students High quality examples – representations of content that ideally have all the information in them that students need to learn a topic Create Assessments ▫Assessments – process we use to gather information and make decision about students’ learning Effective assessments answers 2 questions: ▫1. How will I know if my students have mastered my learning objective? ▫2. How can I use assessment to increase my students’ learning?
Planning for Effective Teaching Ensure Instructional Alignment ▫The match between learning objectives, learning activities and assessments ▫Essential component Planning in a Standard-Based Environment ▫Standards – statements that describe what student should know or be able to do at the end ▫Essentially statements of learning objectives – written with varying degrees of specificity