2013 Kentucky GIS Pre-Conference Workshop GPS Technology: Survey vs. Mapping Mr. Jeff Clark, PLS -- Precision Products Geospatial Division Mr. Eric Muncy – Precision Products Geospatial Division
Sputnik Launched in 1957 First man made satellite Transmitted radio signals Lived for about 3 months
US Military First used in the 1960s To track nuclear power vehicles - ships
Korean Flight 007 Shot down September 1983 Accidently was in Russian Air Space Presidential Order was signed to make GPS available for civilian use
Selective Availability (SA) 1989 – Intentional dithering of the satellite clocks by the DOD called SA was instituted in 2000 – President Clinton ordered SA to switched off on May 2, Had little to no effect on surveying applications of GPS Greatly improved consumer grade GPS
Different Grades of GPS?
Consumer or Recreational grade… Consumer Grade Inexpensive 15 to 30 feet accuracy Good for general locations Navigation Street Signs Trees Buildings (911)
Mapping Grade… Mapping/GIS Grade 1 inch to 10 feet accuracy Digital Clipboard Good for more accurate locations Hydrants Manholes Roads
Survey Grade Centimeters accurate Most robust Good for the accurate locations related to: Control networks Land boundaries Topographic & Engineering Surveys
What is the freaking difference?? Survey vs. Mapping
Collection of Attributes/Photos Taking GIS data out with you Mapping - Software
Stakeout operations Volumetric calculations Coordinate Geometry Metadata - Datums, NAD 83, Geoids Survey - Software
VRS – Virtual Reference Station Free Service (Anyone to use) Can be used in real time (Cell phone / Cell modem) or back in the office to process GPS data Continuing to be improved (location and accuracy) KYTC VRS - Basics
Questions? Contact Info: Mr. Jeff Clark, PLS Cell: Mr. Eric Muncy Cell: