Global Position System Han Eul Park
What Is GPS? GPS (Global Positioning System) Navigation Other Uses
How Does GPS Work? 24 Signals Detecting signals GPS Data Center
GPS Navigation Advantage Air pollution Decreased of dispatch Busy Delivery Service Disadvantage Cost Reception Accuracy
GPS Space Advantages Identifying orbits Saving time & $$ Precision Disadvantages Accuracy..? Undeveloped
GPS Aviation Advantage Safety Saving time & money New routes Improvement Disadvantage Relying Safe=?
Tracking System Advantages For police For athletes Navigation Other functions Disadvantages Inaccurate
GPS Agriculture Advantage Efficience Tracter Guidance Stamina Disadvantage Lazy Class
Future Development For military and civilians Navstar GPS Joint Program GPS Block IIR-M = GPS Block IIF
Advantages of Development Increase of population Possible improvement
Bibliography ulture/gagri001.htm