Efforts for phasing-out leaded petrol in Macedonia Slavjanka Pejcinovska-Andonova, REC CO Macedonia, Project Manager Szentendre, October 2005
Global World wide consensus to phase out leaded petrol Started in the 1970’s Between government representatives, the refineries, fuel distributors and health experts Due to: Concerns about health risks from lead exposure, especially to children ( the driving force in US, for example) ; Widespread use of catalytic converters to reduce CO, HC and NOx emissions ( the driving force in Brazil, Slovakia, Sweden and Thailand, for example)
Lead emissions / environmental and health problems in Macedonia 2002 Statistical data showed 35,73 g Pb/ capita; According the fuel producer data - around 25 gPb/capita; The total lead emission in Macedonia was 47 t/year The usage of leaded petrol with 0.6 g Pb/l caused the serious health risk for population (according the NEHAP –1999); Circulatory system, the central nervous system and the renal system were impacted by lead; The most vulnerable are the children especially their central nervous system. The effect on the nervous system is most often reflected by decreased IQ (Intelligence Quotient), certain dysfunctions, weak attention, anxiety etc.
Market share of unleaded petrol consumption ( )
Types of petrol and lead content according the standards on fuel quality in force in Macedonia (2002) Types of petrol on market Leaded petrolUnleaded petrol Premium (RON 98) 0,6 g Pb/l Premium (RON 95) 0,02 gPb/l Regular (RON 86) - 0,6 g Pb/l
Car fleet The market share of vehicles run on petrol and diesel fuels Total number of registered vehicles in % of total registered vehicles Vehicles run on petrol Vehicles run on diesel Vehicles run on mixture and LPG 1.48
Car fleet average age(2003)
Preparation of the Master Plan for phasing-out leaded petrol in Macedonia Under the Project “Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning”; Funded by EU The main goal of the wider project: Approximation of the environmental legislation with the EU legislation; Started in July 2002-finished in October 2003
Project goals Preparation of Master Plan for phasing out leaded petrol National plan setting the various type of measures and activities to stimulate production and distribution of unleaded petrol/regulatory measures, economic measures and financial incentives Public awareness campaign for usage of unleaded petrol Promotion of wide usage of unleaded petrol considering environmental/health and financial benefits
Working group team Representatives from Petrol industry: OKTA Refinery, Makpetrol Representatives from gov.institutions: Ministry of Environment and physical planning Ministry of Economy Ministry of Internal affairs Ministry of Finance Ministry of Health Ministry of Transport National technical and legal experts NGOs
Preparation of the Master Plan for phasing-out leaded petrol in Macedonia The document proposed that the phasing-out of leaded petrol could be efficiently achieved if it is implemented into two phases : First phase (started in 2003 last until 2005) - short-term phase, includes the reduction of the allowed lead content in the leaded petrol from the 0,6 g/l to 0,15 g/l, and an increasing share of the unleaded petrol in the total consumption of petrol. Second phase (will start in 2006) - final phase, includes a complete elimination of leaded petrol from use. It would be achieved by measures and activities fully implementing the Automotive Fuel Quality EC Directive 98/70/EC and its amendment the Directive 2003/17/EC.
Main activities proposed in the Master plan for phasing-out leaded petrol (Phase I) Preparation of the new Macedonian standards for fuel quality (new fuel quality according the EU Directive 98/70/EC that will decrease lead amount for 75%, for 47t/year to 14 t/year); The amending and appending of the methodology of prices of fuels should be done; On 1 st of September 2003 the Public awareness campaign on phasing out leaded petrol should be launched according to the planned activities given in the Communication Strategy on phasing out leaded petrol;
Main activities proposed in the Master plan for phasing-out leaded petrol (Phase I) The current 44,7 % of unleaded petrol consumption from the total petrol consumption should be expected to increase to 60 % in the first 5 months of the campaign (by January 2004); Training for all opinion formers (representatives from filling stations, marketing departments in fuel producers, car repairs, media) for launching the public awareness campaign should be given at the end of August 2003 All activities proposed for Phase I were finished at the beginning of 2004All activities proposed for Phase I were finished at the beginning of 2004
Main activities proposed in the Master plan for phasing-out leaded petrol (Phase II) The system for monitoring of fuel quality should be established; Encouraging phasing out leaded petrol by setting a date for the ban of marketing of leaded petrol ; Preparation of the new Book of regulations for establishing the new Macedonian standards on unleaded petrol fuel ; The technical Committee for standardization should prepare the new Macedonian standards for unleaded petrol only, including ammended EU requirements (EC 2003/17/EC Directive); Preparation of the Communication Strategy and public awareness campaign to inform all stakeholders about the date for the ban on leaded petrol;
Main activities proposed in the Master plan for phasing-out leaded petrol (Phase II) Setting into force the customs and financial incentives including: Prohibition of import of vehicles using leaded petrol; Increasing the fee for vehicle registration according the age of the vehicle; Lower some expenses for purchasing the new vehicles; Amendments on the provisions for import of the non-leaded additives; Ensuring the appropriate market of VSR (Valve Seat Recession) additives Ensuring legal regulations for import of high-octane blending components as raw materials.
Public awareness campaign on usage of unleaded petrol It aimed to raise awareness and to inform about: Environmental and health risks related to the use of leaded petrol; Technical possibilities for the use of unleaded petrol for car owners who already use leaded petrol with/without any technical interventions; Tax differentiation between leaded and unleaded petrol (unleaded is already 7% cheaper) The introduction of a new quality of petrol with 0.15 g Pb/l and the benefits for the vehicles.
Results from PA Campaign Decrease of unleaded petrol consumption ( )
What are the next steps? Establishing the Monitoring Body on implementation of the Phase II of Master Plan for phasing out leaded petrol; Implementation of the activities under Phase II by responsible institutions according the time frame proposed in the Master Plan;