Social Influence & Culture Social Influence & Culture
Social Influence l People are motivated by the presence of others – Social Facilitation » Effects noted mostly on simple tasks » Effort==>performance – Social Inhibition » Effects noted mostly on complex tasks » Explained by diffusion of responsibility and evaluation apprehension
Social Loafing l Individuals decrease the amount of effort they put into a task while doing that task with other people l Why? – Inability to monitor and evaluate individual performance – Diffusion of responsibility – Group norms
The Importance of Norms l Norms are socially created standards l Norms have significant effects on behavior l Dimensions of norms: – Intensity – Crystallization – Both must be present to have a strong organizational culture
A Hypothetical Norm and its “Zone of Acceptance” High Production Group Norm Low Production “Rate busters” Zone of Acceptance Acceptance “Chiselers”
Conformity to Norms Increases With: l Situational Factors – Group size, strength of culture l Cultural Factors – Emphasis on conformity vs. individualistic orientation l Intergroup relationships – Pressure exerted, degree to which individual identifies with the group l Personal characteristics – Intelligence, dogmatism, compliance, individualis
The Importance of Social Information l Recall the Job Characteristics Model l Perceptions of Core Job Characteristics can be manipulated by social information l Sources of social information:
Creating Organizational Norms l Employee Socialization Programs l Mentoring l Manuals & meetings l Rapid response to deviation l Reward norm conformity l Build a culture that supports the norms
Stages of Socialization l Investigation l Socialization l Maintenance l Resocialization l By prospective members & organization l Assimilation of norms by individual & accommodation of norms by organization l Role negotiation & potential for divergence l Assimilation, accommodation & convergence
Motivation Through Culture and Social Control l Organizational Culture is a pattern of beliefs and expectations shared by the organization’s members. These beliefs and expectations produce norms that powerfully shape the behavior of groups and individuals. (Schwartz & Davis)
To Create a Strong Organizational Culture: l Focus people’s attention on important characteristics, goals, etc. l Provide clear guidance about what is valued l Provide reinforcement of appropriate attitudes and behavior l Select people who “fit in” l Provide role models, training, coaching l “You get what you measure”