1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES National Synchrotron Light Source II CD-1 Cost Estimate Development Diane Hatton Associate Director for Administration and Finance Cathy Lavelle Project Controls Manager October 27, 2006
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Rates Extraordinary BNL construction rate of 14.3% Standard BNL overhead at 39.45% Overhead applied to first $600K of a single procurement BNL composite escalation rates: 3.5% in FY2007 (standard DOE escalation at 3.2%) 3.2% FY2008 – FY2013 (standard DOE escalation at 2.3%) 5% on construction contracts Contingency at 35% on TEC Fringe at 38% Average Salaries One man-year = 1760 hours
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Critical Decision1(CD-1) Cost Estimate / Schedule Developed a cost/schedule estimating system Purpose Generate a Cost Estimate based on project schedule Basis for Integrated cost/schedule reporting system Requirement for CD-1 per DOE Order System Estimate cost based on resources Assigned to Schedule activities Produce resource loaded schedule
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Web based Cost Estimating Database Web based Cost Estimating Database Primavera 5.0 Schedule Primavera 5.0 Schedule NSLS-II CD-1 Cost Estimate/Schedule Development WBS & WBS Dictionary Resources: -Labor hours -Material/Subc. $ -Travel $ Schedule: -Activities -Durations Risk ID & Assessment BOE Resources Activities, Duration Develop Logic/dates Timephase resources Resources Schedule Rate Tables Price Resources Iterative Process to develop CD-1 Cost Estimate Cobra Cost Processor Burdened/ Escalated Cost
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II CD-1 Cost Estimate/Schedule Development Process Cost Estimate Database Developed in house, Web based Organized by WBS w/ Dictionary & Responsibility Data Collection (at WBS Level 4/5) Resources- (labor hours, material/subcontract $, travel), Basis of estimate Schedule - Activity definition, duration Risk Identification and weighting - contingency Supporting Documentation
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II CD-1 Cost Estimate/Schedule Development Process Data imported to Primavera 5.0 Schedule developed – logic network Resources assigned to activities-timephased Data transferred from Primavera to Cobra Cobra will burden, escalate resources estimate Rate tables from Peoplesoft Data fed back to Cost Estimate Database for revisions Resulting in fully burdened & escalated cost based on Schedule
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES National Synchrotron Light Source II Cost Estimate Demonstration