OMM WMO “Unparalleled International Co-operation” The Expanded Space-Based Component of the WMO World Weather Watch’s Global Observing System HansPeter Roesli Chairman, CBS OPAG IOS Expert Team on Satellite System Utilization and Products World Meteorological Organization
OMM WMO World Weather Watch’s space-based component of the Global Observing System WMO and UN Overview Global applications and users Expanded space-based component of the GOS WMO Space Programme
OMM WMO WMO and UN - Historical Background Aug 1853First International Meteorological Congress Sept 1873IMO created as a non-governmental body Jun 1945Creation of the United Nations Feb 1946Extraordinary Conference of Directors of NMSs Sept 1947Conference of Directors adopt WMO Convention Mar 1950Entry into force of WMO Convention Dec 1951Specialized Agency of UN Membership ( May 2002): 185 States and Territories
OMM WMO Purposes of WMO To facilitate world-wide cooperation in the establishment of networks of stations for the making of meteorological observations as well as hydrological and other geophysical observations related to meteorology, and to promote the establishment and maintenance of centres charged with provision of meteorological and related services; To promote the establishment and maintenance of systems for the rapid exchange of meteorological and related information; To promote standardization of meteorological and related observations and to ensure the uniform publication of observations and statistics; To further the application of meteorology to aviation, shipping, water problems, agriculture and other human activities; To promote activities in operational hydrology and to further close cooperation between Meteorological and Hydrological Services; To encourage research and training in meteorology and, as appropriate, in related fields, and to assist in coordinating international aspects of such research and training.
OMM WMO Organizational Structure Congress, supreme body, determines the future policy (meets every 4 years) Executive Council, 36 Directors of Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services. They act in their individual capacities (meets annually) Regional Associations (6) - Address regional concerns Technical Commissions (8) - Technical experts make recommendations on scientific or technical issues within the purposes of WMO Secretariat with Regional (3) and subregional (4) Offices
OMM WMO WMOSA Main long-term objectives (i)Participate in the development of the Global Observing System (GOS) as a composite system, particularly for upper-air observing based on an optimal mix of observing components, including ground-based remote-sensing, mobile observing platforms, satellite and Global Position System-Meteorology (GPS-MET). GOS support to meeting GCOS requirements for climate monitoring and prediction will also be a priority goal; (ii)Assist Members in the transition of the low-resolution imagery satellite services from analogue to digital under complex operational conditions; (iii) Promote satellite-related high quality continuing education to keep the knowledge and skill of Members operational and scientific staff up-to-date with the latest technological innovations, and to provide the competence and skills needed in related fields, such as communication with users; (iv) Provide information, advice and guidance to Members on satellite-related technological developments as well as on changes in relevant existing meteorological and hydrological operation systems to enable them to develop plans for objective and wise investment actions.
OMM WMO On April 1, 1960 the first U.S. weather satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral, FL SATELLITES AND THE WWW UN Resolution No for “international co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space” approved 20 December 1961 Advent of satellites offered substantial opportunities for improvements in meteorological services Called on WMO to lead a study and report on recommendations of the UN Resolution Report delivered in June 1962 “First report on the advancement of atmospheric sciences and their application in the light of developments in outer space” Birth of World Weather Watch
OMM WMO Global system of geostationary satellites
OMM WMO Global system of near-polar orbiting satellites
OMM WMO Global applications and users Observing the Atmosphere Cloud Imagery Temperature and Humidity Winds Precipitation Atmospheric Chemistry Volcanic Ash Dust, Smoke and Aerosols Observing the Ocean Surface Sea-Surface Temperatures Ocean-Surface Winds Ocean Ice Ocean-Level and Waves Ocean-Surface Biology Observing the Land Surface Land Surface Parameters Floods Forest Fires Vegetation Cover Drought & Crop Monitoring Climate Applications Climate Indicators Verification of Climate Models Ocean Climate Models Monitoring El Niño Forecasting Applications Synoptic Analysis Numerical Weather Prediction Nowcasting Tropical Storms
OMM WMO Disaster Related Phenomena Atmospheric Chemistry Volcanic Ash Dust, Smoke and Aerosols Floods Forest Fires Drought & Crop Monitoring Tropical Storms
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Cloud Imagery
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Volcanic eruptions
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Dust, Smoke and Aerosols
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Sea-Surface Temperatures
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Floods
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Forest Fires
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Monitoring Climate Change
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Monitoring Tropical Storms
OMM WMO Global applications and users (examples) Monitoring El Niño SST for 3 different Decembers
OMM WMO Expanded space-based component of the GOS NASA confirmed its commitment to make observations available without restriction (applies to all relevant missions including Aqua, Terra, NPP, TRMM, GPM and QuickSCAT) NASA’s missions de facto part of the space-based component of the GOS NASDA indicated present and future satellite missions including TRMM, AMSR-E onboard Aqua, ADEOS II and the GCOM series should be considered part of the new R&D constellation for the space-based component of the GOS
OMM WMO Expanded space-based component of the GOS ESA has established a dialogue towards the availability of specific data and products from ESA’s ENVISAT mission ESA intends to jointly organise a dedicated, specific AO to foster the use of data Rosaviakosmos confirmed that experimental and R&D instruments on board its operational METEOR 3M N1 satellite as well as on its future Ocean series and other missions could be considered as a potential contribution to the space-based component of the GOS
OMM WMO WWW’s space-based component of the GOS (2002)
OMM WMO WMO Space Programme Guiding principles: optimisation of the space-based system and the use of existing WMO structures Inclusion of R&D satellite systems increases the need for coordination mechanisms -Unique coordination needs between WMO and R&D space agencies -Coordination between operational and R&D space agencies in such areas as frequency coordination, orbit coordination including equator crossing-times, standardization of data formats, standardization of user stations
OMM WMO WMO Space Programme (continued) WMO has proposed an expansion of the present mechanisms for coordination -increased cooperation between WMO and the operators of operational and R&D satellites, and -within the WMO structure Expand CGMS to include R&D space agencies contributing to the space-based component of the GOS
OMM WMO WMO Space Programme (continued) WMO agreed to establish a WMO Space Programme as a matter of priority Scope, goals and objectives respond to the considerable growth in the utilisation of environmental satellite data, product and services within the expanded space-based component of the GOS
OMM WMO WMO Space Programme (continued) Activities: -Regional workshops to make WMO Members aware of new capabilities -Education and training events for R&D satellite data and products -Workshops to identify selected instruments for transition from R&D to operational Consultative Meetings on High-Level Policy on Satellite Matters to be institutionalised to more formally establish the dialogue with, and participation of environmental satellite agencies in WMO matters
OMM WMO International coordination CGMS (Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites) CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites) IGOS (Integrated Global Observing Strategy) Partnership Inter-agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities COPUOS
OMM WMO Exciting times for WMO Members Space-based component of the GOS greatly expanded Provides valuable satellite data, products and services more so than ever before in the history of the World Weather Watch WMO forward looking in establishing a new WMO Space Programme which will provide for both external and internal coordination necessary to maximize the exploitation of the new GOS