Ultimate Reality: (noun) an eternal truth or principal that governs the universe All major religions have a concept of a creator or source of life and the world which is the Ultimate Reality
Liberate~ (verb) to set free In religious terms, the goal of life is to liberate your soul to become one with god or the universe.
Soul ~ (noun) the Spirit part of a human being or animal, which is immortal. The teachings of many religions give advice on how to take care of your soul, not just your body.
Deity~ (noun) a god or goddess The Hindus and Buddhists believe in many deities, both human and animal.
Caste~ (noun) a class into which the Hindu people of India were divided in society based on differences of wealth, status, or their job
Enlightenment~ (noun) the ability to understand life on your own without learning from another….to know yourself and find your wisdom. After Buddha achieved enlightenment, he decided to teach others how to do it for themselves.
Sacred~ (adjective) someone or something holy, deserving worship because it inspires wonder and awe. A person may be considered as sacred; also an object or a place which is regarded as extraordinary or unique.
Secular ~ (Adjective) attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis In many peoples’ eyes, Christmas has become a secular holiday, losing all its sacred meaning in materialism.
Agnostic ~ (noun) a person who does not have a definite belief about whether God exists or not Agonistics hold out the possibility that there could be a God-they just need more proof.
Atheist ~ (noun) a person who does not believe there is a God Atheists use the atomic symbol because of their belief that human progress doesn’t come from an Ultimate Reality, but from the scientific method and our ability to question and create.
World Religions What we will cover…. – Buddhism (Monday) – Hinduism(Tuesday) – Judaism (Wednesday) – Islam(Thursday) – Christianity (Next Monday)
Hinduism What is Hinduism? Reading As you read you MUST annotate After you read… – Answer the multiple choice questions – Complete the short answer question on a separate piece of paper.