IKT Social Media. Overview Project II Check-In Fandom, Gaming & Social Media Discussion.


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Presentation transcript:

IKT Social Media

Overview Project II Check-In Fandom, Gaming & Social Media Discussion

Project II Check-In

Check-In Who are your participants and how did the data collection process go? What are some of the challenges you’re facing in data collection and analysis? What solutions have you devised? Additional Questions?

Fandom, Gaming & Social Media

What is Social Media “Social Media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content.” (Kaplan & Haelein, 2010, p. 61).

TBLT and Tasks Tasks “an activity in which a person engages in order to attain an objective, and which necessitates the use of language” (Van den Branden, 2006, p. 4). Van den Branden, Bygate & Norris (2009)

Fans and Fandom Henry Jenkins “One becomes a ‘fan’ not by being a regular viewer of a particular program but by translating that viewing into some kind of cultural activity, by sharing feelings and thoughts about the program content with friends, by joining a ‘community’ of other fans who share common interests. For fans, consumption naturally sparks production, reading generates writing, until the terms seem logically inseparable.” (Jenkins, 2006, p.41)

Fandom Fandom is you in Germany and me in the US and him in Australia and her in Japan. Fandom is a sofabed in New York, a roadtrip to Oxnard, a friend behind a face in London. Fandom talks past timezones and accents and backgrounds. Fandom is conversation. Communication. Contact. … Fandom is creating. Fandom is drawing, painting, vidding: nine seasons in four minutes of love. Fandom is words, language, authoring. Fandom is essays, stories, betas, parodies, filks, zines, usenet posts, blog posts, message board posts, s, chats, petitions, wank, concrit, feedback, recs. Fandom is writing for the first time since you were twelve. Fandom is finally calling yourself a writer.viddingbetasfilkszineswankconcritrecs hesychasm (2006, March 22).

Research on Fandom Tasks & Language Learning Writing development L2 English writers of fanfiction in anime fandoms (Black 2006; 2009) Bilingual fanfiction writing of young Finnish fans of American television shows (Leppänen, et al, 2009) Fansubbing Fansubbing and YouTube discussion among Taiwanese learners of English (Benson & Chan, 2010)

LiveJournal (LJ) Established 1999 ZheZhe (ЖЖ) in Russia, and is the largest online community in the Russian-language Internet Growth coincided with the Harry Potter fandom Hosts fan many fan communities and communal blogs

Darkness Rising - RPG Instructions

Facebook Over 900 million users Supports 70 languages Familiar interface for many

Role-Play & Pragmatic Development in Facebook Using Facebook for Language Learning 1.Examined FB posts by native speakers for use of Korean honorifics in relation to age and kinship. 2.Role-play on FB using 5 fake accounts to use honorifics and politeness forms accordingly 3.Follow-up analysis of threads to justify and determine appropriate choice of honorifics. (Ryu & Reinhardt, 2012)

Fanfiction Archives and Forums Ao3

Discussion Thread Games: Finish This

Finish This for Beginners There was once a very small child, who lived with his cruel stepfather. The stepfather was a famous chef in a large castle. The stepfather works every day and has no time for the child.

When When I in the sea When I in the sea drown Word by Word When I When I in the



Discussion 1.How have you seen social media and/or gaming (MMOGs) used in language teaching? 2.What type of learning could students engage in through social media and MMOGs? How is this similar to or different from the type of learning they could achieve through more traditional means? 3.Could it serve a role in your classroom?

References Benson, P., & Chan, N. (2010). TESOL after YouTube: Fansubbing and informal language learning. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 7, Black, R. W. (2009). English-language learners, fan communities, and 21st –century skills. Journal of Adult & Adolescent Literacy, 52, Black, R.W. (2006). Language, culture, and identity in online fanfiction. E-learning, 3, hesychasm (2006, March 22). Re: In lieu of life [Web log message]. Retrieved from Jenkins, H. (2006). Fans, bloggers, and gamers: Exploring participatory culture. New York: New York University Press. Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010) Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons 53(1): 59–68. Leppänen, S., Pitkänen-Huhta, A., Piirainen-Marsch, A., Nikula, T., & Peuronen, S. (2009). Young people’s translocal new media uses: A multiperspective analysis of language choice and heteroglossia. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14, Van den Branden, K. (2006). Introduction: Task-based language teaching in a nutshell. In K Van den Branden (Ed.), Task-based language education: From theory to practice (pp ). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Van den Branden, K, Bygate, M., Norris, J. (2009). Task-based language teaching: A reader. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.